Awkwardness Pt.1

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*Momiji is sitting at his desk looking at his assignments to make sure they were completed as school was tomorrow. His phone starts to buzz and Papa's contact icon light up the screen. Momiji lets out a sigh and answers the phone with his usual cheerful voice so Papa doesn't notice something is wrong*

Papa: Hello Momiji, sorry for calling so late. Mama finally took Momo to bed so I had time to call you now. Would you stop by my office on Wednesday after school?

Momiji: Of course! Is this about what I asked the other day?

Papa: Sorry to cut you short, We will talk about this when I see you. Goodnight Momiji

Momiji: Goodnight Papa.

*Momiji plops down onto his bed sliding under the sheets feeling extremely anxious about the phone call with his father. He hoped that the call would give him an answer about finally seeing Mama and Momo. He began to drift off into sleep.*

Tohru's Pov of Sunday:
*I woke up early since I had gone to be bed so early last night. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts after what Momiji had said. It makes my head spin and I didn't know how I was going to face him the next time we saw each other. Shigure was up already too so I asked him if Uotani and Saki could come over. Of course he said yes but I had to make him breakfast first.*

Tohru: Uo, Hana, I'm so glad you guys came!

Uotani: Of course we came, we had to see our Tohru.

Saki: What's wrong? You don't sound like yourself, I'm sensing a disturbance from you.

Tohru: Oh, I'm fine! I just wanted to see you guys.

Shigure: I'm going to go into my office, I have a lot of work to do. So very busy, you girls can have the front room. Thank you Tohru for your homemade meal.

Tohru: I'm glad you liked it! I have more if you guys would like some.

Uotani: Ah that's our Tohru, always thinking of other people first and not herself.

Saki: Tohru when you have a minute, come sit down. I can see something is bothering you, you can tell us.

Tohru: I really am fine, there is something I wanted to talk to guys about. Thanks for being patient and understanding me. I can always count on you two.

*Placing the snacks down it seems like small talk is over. Tohru sits across from her friends at the table ready to relay the past events.*

Tohru: Well at school last week Momiji had invited me to the roof to talk. I had overheard Him talking to Kyo about having feelings.. for me.. and I think its romantic judging by the fact that we went on a date yesterday to the zoo. He did end up confessing as I didn't confront him right away about what I overheard between him and Kyo.. I was still trying to figure out what he meant from the start..

Uotani: Woah, a date? Your kidding right? Blondie? That shrimp? Well not a shrimp anymore.

Saki: Huh, I have to say you two have been off. It seems he's changed the most.

Uotani: Well what happened on the date dammit! Spill it!

Saki: Was he on his best behavior?

Uotani: Nothing happened right?

Tohru: Guys everything is fine. It's just that I don't know exactly how I should feel. We held hands and I bought us ice cream. Standing next to him was so different form what it's normally like in school. It was even stranger seeing him outside of his uniform, he wasn't wearing such cute clothing like he used to. He was wearing a nice light blue button down shirt with black slacks. Whenever I think about him my heart skips a beat and my head spins. I can feel my cheeks getting red and my mind goes blank.

Uotani: Well that sounds like love to me.

Saki: Oh dear, I was afraid that this is what they were saying to me. I can feel your waves pull with each passing moment.

Tohru: What, Love? No, No, haha. Maybe just a crush for now. Omg a crush. I like him. I like him? Oh no. I think at the end of the date I made it seem like I wasn't at all interested in what he said. I didn't say I word to him at all after he confessed. He must think I hate him. How am I going to talk to him now? I think I ruined everything. I shouldn't be feeling like this, it isn't fair.

Uotani: You didn't ruin anything Tohru. So like him, You've been on a date with him. That's more than we have, you just need to tell him. I wouldn't wait too long to tell him tho since you didn't say anything before.

Saki: I'm sure he'd understand. He has pleasant waves.

*Tohru looking a her friends when suddenly the front door slams open as Kyo and Yuki are already arguing while coming through the door. They only stop because they trip over Uotani and Saki's shoes. Luckily they don't land on the girls changing into their zodiac form.*

Uotani: Ah speaking of the prince, what are you and carrots doing barging into the house like this.

Kyo: This damn rat wouldn't stop talking about shit I don't even care about

Yuki: You butt into my conversation, if you didn't want to hear it, you should have kept on walking. It's not my fault that you have the curiosity of a stupid cat!

Uotani: Carrots sounds like you like gossip. You just missed a big juicy secret from Tohru.

Tohru: No, no, it's not what you think. There is no secret.

Kyo: What that she likes the annoying rabbit, Momiji?

*Tohru with her entire face now a deep shade of red that even her ears start to turn. Everyone fell silent by the sight of it. Yuki walks up quickly and kicking Kyo into the pond outside, Uotani and Saki stand close by ready to beat the hell out of Kyo for making Tohru flustered.*

Yuki: You stupid cat. You embarrassed Ms.Honda. What you should be doing is begging for mercy.

Uotani: I had renounced my violence since leaving the gang but I will reinstate it in this case.

Saki just emitting electrical waves: -

Kyo: What! Im just messing around. It's not like it's true or anything. Wait, is that what that date was for? Don't tell me she likes him....

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