The Reunion

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*Momiji's classes ended early for the day. Walking home to the esate, he was eager to call Tohru to let her know that he was finished but before he was able to call her Papa called instead.*

Papa: Momiji, the gift you ordered for Tohru arrived, do you want me to send a car to drop it off to you? I know you are leaving for the Hot Spring soon.

Momiji: Oh! That was quick, I can stop by to pick it up. I would love to say Goodbye to Momo and Mama in person anyways.

Papa: What did you even order? It's a pretty small box. Is it a necklace?

Momiji: I can't say, I feel like with your level of sappiness you'd tell Mama what it was and she would tell Tohru right away. I'll be there in a little bit.

*Momiji makes his way to his parents house, excited that what he bought arrived at the perfect time. When he walks up to the door, Momo is already waiting to greet her big brother.*

Momo: Papa said you were going to be here! What's in the package?

Momiji: Hi Momo, you can't know yet. It's a surprise.

Momo: I just wish you guys could live with us. Mama is always talking to Tohru on the phone.

Mama: Oh! Momiji, I'm glad to see you! I was just talking to Tohru. She was asking what souvenirs to bring back for the family. She is just the sweetest. She reminds me a lot of your father when we started dating.

Momiji: Mama, I've heard this story so many times already. I know she reminds you a lot of a Papa. You told Tohru the story at least twice now too.

Mama: I know, I'm just so glad that you've met a love just as great as mine and papa's. You know, he proposed to me within a year but we also were a little older than you.

Momiji: I'm just a third year in high school. As much as I love her, I don't think the timing is right yet.

Momo: I can't wait! Can I be in the wedding!

Momoiji: Well she'd have to say yes first Momo.

Momo: Then Tohru and you can live with us!

Mama: Momo sweetheart, that's not how that works.

*Momiji's phone starts to vibrate in his pocket, interrupting the awkward exchange at the perfect timing. Tohru's name with a bunch of hearts to follow lit up the screen. Momiji hugs Mama, Momo, and Papa Goodbye before walking out of the house to answer the call*

Tohru: Hi! My classes are finished. Did you already pack? Do you need help still?

Momiji: Hi Tohru, No I'm fully packed. Do you want me to come walk you from the dorm to my place so we can leave together?

Tohru: That sounds great!

Momiji: Good I'm already heading that way.

*Sometime later they are walking back to Momiji's, Tohru having her suitcase rolling behind her,  Momiji takes it into his hand so she can freely hold his free hand. Making small talk about the trip along the way. They get to the estate and Tohru sits down on the couch while Momiji goes to his room putting the package into his luggage before wheeling it out and excitedly saying *

Momiji: The bus is here!

*Arriving at the hot springs they settle into the room they share, waiting for all the others to arrive in the shared space their was refreshments and snack. It made sense for Kyo and Kagura to be late since they were at the furthest distance. Kureno and Uotani were the first to arrive. Upon hearing Uo's voice Tohru let out a squeal and embracing her best friend. The next to arrive was Ayame and Mine with of course a bunch of luggage most likely filled with outfits for everyone like Ayame promised. Hatori decided to bring along Mayuko known as Mayu to the adults. Shigure was next showing up alone as Akito had already decided she wouldn't be coming. Shigure instantly seeing Hatori, Ayame, and to his surprise Mayuko letting out an almost fan girl like scream. Mayu looked at Shigure with contempt. Yuki, Machi, Rin, and Haru all arrive at the same time as they got on the same bus together. Kisa and Hiro were dropped by Hiro's mother. The last two people to arrive before Kyo was Saki and Kazuma. Uo and Tohru both run at Saki full speed practically jumping on her, knocking her to the ground as they all sat and laughed. Uo suggests they have a girls night since it has been so long and they needed one on one time with Tohru. Kagura enters the room dragging Kyo's limp body behind her as he was protesting about even coming because he didn't want to see his father with one of his former classmates.*

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