So it's a date?

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*Walking up to the lone estate Momiji thought about how he would be asking her. The sun had already risen over the trees by the time he was standing at Shigure's door, looking at his phone it was already past 9 am. Knowing full well everyone was up. You can hear Kyo and Yuki already bickering as Tohru is pleading for them to stop while she laughed a bit. You hear Yuki do in the final dig at Kyo by calling him a stupid cat. Momiji flings the door open and says "Good morning!"*

Kyo: Oh great, what is the rabbit doing here? Don't you have somewhere better to be?

Yuki: Good morning Momiji, what are you doing here?

Tohru peeking her head around from the kitchen: Good morning! You are just in time for breakfast, I'm making waffles.

Momiji: I heard you two fighting from outside the door, I thought for sure someone was going to end up being thrown right into me.

Kyo: That damn rat started it. He does it every time.

Yuki staring into Kyo's soul with an icy glare: Maybe if someone wouldn't break things that didn't belong to him we wouldn't be having this conversation every time.

Shigure popping his head out from his office with a smirk on his face: What is it this time? Oh, Momiji. Well this is surprising, what do we owe the pleasure?

Momiji sitting at the table with his hand on his cheek with a smile on his face closing his eyes: Oh nothing, just to ask Tohru out on a date today?

* A series of silverware clattering to the floor as she drops the waffles, Kyo lets out a long and frustrated groan*

Kyo: Well there goes our breakfast, you stupid rabbit. You can't just come out and say things like that to her. You know how she is.

Yuki slapping the back of Kyo's neck: enough of this, pick up what she dropped.

Tohru: Oh uh sorry, sorry. I'll make more!

Momiji: I didn't mean to startle you.. I was still trying to figure out how to ask you but it just came out. Whoops.

Shigure: I'm starving, Tohru feed me please before you go on this date

Yuki & Kyo both punch Shigure in the arm saying in unison: You damn Leacher, stop treating Tohru like a maid.

Shigure: Oh!! How ever will I send in the rest of my work today? Oh well

Yuki: You useless piece of trash

Kyo: Honestly your pathetic. How are you even an Author.

Tohru: um excuse me.. the waffles are done.

Shigure: Oh. Tohru, your food always give me the strength. After this beating I'll need it.

* Everyone takes a seat at the table to enjoy their breakfast together. Momiji asks Tohru while everyone is eating again if she would like to go on a date with him. Kyo and Yuki begin to fight over the last waffle as Shigure had already began to eat it.*

Tohru: So, a date?

Momiji: Yep! Just you and me. I have already thought about where I can take you.

Tohru in her head says he means just as friends right?..

Tohru: Oo lets hear them!

Momiji: Well what about the zoo or the aquarium? They are both perfect for a Saturday.

Tohru: The Zoo! Oo heard they opened up the petting zoo and they have 3 new baby animals. I bet they are so cute!

Momiji: Ok! You should get dressed so we can get going.

* Tohru excuses herself from the table and leaves to her dressed *

Shigure: Well this is a surprise, why the sudden interest in Tohru?

Yuki: If you hurt Tohru, I don't care if your a baby I'll snap your neck like a twig.

Kyo: What are you Kakyoin? You really should stop hanging out with the student council VP so much.

Yuki: Remind me again who asked? You watch it too that's how you know where it's from.

Momiji giving Yuki a blank stare and starts to laugh it off while ignoring Shigure's question: Oh like Mogeta?

Shigure: Are you sure about a date? Do you think Akito would be ok with this? Getting her hopes up would be wise.

Kyo: Relax, it's not like Akito would be there watching. If anything, you just have to make sure no one bumps into you and blows your cover.

Shigure: Alright, no jumping onto Tohru for her to hold you. Remember behave your selves.

Yuki: Please don't trouble her today if your treating her.

Momiji: Of course! I'll treat her like a Princess!

*Tohru coming down from upstairs saying she was ready*

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now