Coming Full Circle

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*The atmosphere of the the room has now changed from already feeling heavy to now being quite dark. Momiji's words seem to have created a cliffhanger in Haru's mind. All they were talking about was Tohru. His confession should have cleared the air but instead it seemed to make the room feel more unsettling. Momiji still sitting cross legged on the couch and Haru sitting on the floor they sat in silence waiting for one another to talk.*

Haru's POV: What the hell is he talking about! Damn. I thought this was about a love confession but why does my room now feel so stiff. I know he has more to say. It's not just about him liking her. Why is he acting like this? This is really starting to get on my nerves. And the rice balls I gave him are still sitting there getting cold. What a pain. I look up at him to see his face now uncovered by his hand, having almost a pale complexion to a ghost and his eyes look stricken by fear. I've only ever seen him look like this after Akito had gone on a rampage. What could he say that could cause him this much fear to me?

Haru: Hey! Hey!! Momiji what the hell. What's wrong? Just tell me, wipe that look off your face. I won't be mad, it can't be that bad.

Momiji: My bond with all of you. Have you noticed, it's different.... I know you can tell something is not the same.

Haru staring at him with a blank face, not knowing what to say back: _

Momiji: It's gone, I don't have the rabbit sprite in me anymore.

Haru eyes winding with the words he just heard: _

Momiji: Before you say anything, Akito already knows. I had a visit from them after it happened.

Haru sits there realizing that Momiji is telling the truth since things did feel different: How did it happen?

Momiji shrugging: I'm not really sure. I just was staring out of the glass doors of my room at the moonlight and I began to sob. The next thing I knew, Akito was there standing right in front of me. We both knew, obviously they were quite upset but not in the way you'd expect. They were crying too and begging me to stay by their side.

Haru: ... Is that it? Hmph, well. If Akito knows, your free. I guess that means you have your own choices now. More or less.

Momiji: I still don't know what to do with them. I still have to get out of the habit of feeling guilty for wanting to check in with them. After all they are still the head of the family. Eventually they will have to find out, but until I cross that bridge, I don't have to do anything. That's the funny thing about choices, when they are yours and yours alone you are still burdened by something.

Haru: Does Tohru know?

Momiji: Well that's what happened on the rooftop. I couldn't help myself from hugging her as me for the first time and she saw I didn't change into the rabbit. It felt exhilarating. But she seemed shocked and tried to see if the rabbit was behind me.

Haru covering his eyes to try and picture it, letting out a chuckle: Yep that sounds like Tohru alright.

Momiji: It was pretty funny, seeing the look on her face was priceless.

Haru: Do you think the curse is breaking?

Momiji: I don't really know.

Haru: Well things sure have changed since she came into our lives. Kyo finally accepted Kagura's feelings and he seems to be actually kinda happy when she isn't hitting him. Yuki became more outgoing and has made new friends in the student council. Rin seems to really like her too now, and Sensei...

*Momiji and Haru both look out the window and sigh saying at the same time that he is just as much as a leacher if not more than he was before Tohru moved in*

Haru looking back at Momiji: There's a lot that your going to have to think about, clearly. In the mean time why don't you just ask her on a date? It cant hurt you. Besides do you really think she would say no? You guys hold hands like everyday and practically glued to each other. People probably already think your dating anyways.

Momiji: You really think that people see Tohru and I are already dating?

Haru: Probably not her friends but my best suggestion is to try and make her see you as a man.

Momiji turning red: What should I even do?

Haru: Well take her out on a date. Open doors for her, buy her lunch, pull her seat out for her before she sits.. I don't know, she isn't like Rin so it's hard to really say.

Momiji: Well Tohru does like animals, maybe I could ask her if she'd want to go to the zoo or the aquarium.

Haru: Ok, well is that all you needed to talk about? Tomorrow you should ask her, I'll cheer you on from afar.

*As Momiji stands up to leave Haru grabs his arm and asks him if he can have the rice balls that Momiji had left untouched. He lets out a laugh and begins to head for the front door to leave. Looking back at Haru and giving him a slight smile. Haru asks "well is that a yes then?" As Momiji closes the front door.*

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now