New Beginnings

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*Momiji waking up, reaches next to him to find an empty space. At first he was startled by Tohru not being next to him but he soon remembered that her and her friends had a sleepover together in one of the rooms down the hall. He gets up and gets dressed in some sweats and a long sleeve shirt. It was a bit chilly out in the morning he hopes that it gets a bit warmer so he doesn't have to propose in the cold. Ayame and Mine were going to help Momiji plan for what the engagement spot would look like. Momiji opens the door to leave his room and is instantly greet by a smiling Tohru.*

Tohru: Good morning Honey!

Momiji: Good morning, how did your sleepover go?

Tohru grabbing his hand to hold: It was great, I missed them so much and I'm glad we were able to talk about a lot of things. Although we've been apart things don't seem to have changed. Saki was telling us about how her and Kazuma were thinking of having kids soon.

Momiji instantly forms a shocked face: Saki is a lot younger than Sensei.. I mean Kazuma. That seems really fast.

Tohru: As long as Saki is happy then Im happy for her. She said it would probably still be a few years down the line.

Momiji thinking in his head: Is proposing now too soon... Does Tohru think that her friend is rushing into things and marrying me would be a rush?

Tohru: Momiji? Are you ok? Why do you look sad.

Momiji flashing a smile: I'm alright! I was just shocked and lost in thought.

Tohru: Do you want to go do anything today? This morning we didn't really schedule anything for us to do.

Momiji: I would love to but I have to set up the fireworks for tonight. Don't worry I'll see you in a little bit!

*Saki, Uotani, Rin, Kagura, Machi, Mayu, and Kisa all walk up to Tohru as they planned a girls day in the city as surprise for Tohru.*

Uotani: It's nice to see everyone is ready to for the girls day out.

Saki: I'm excited to try all the local food!

Tohru: Oh yay a girls day! What else should we do? Anyone have any idea.

Rin: Tohru, I figured you'd have something planned but since this a surprise I guess we will have to plan something.

Mayu: Haha no teasing Tohru.

Kagura: You're only happy because your getting married soon and the rest of us aren't

Tohru: WHAT! Hatori proposed! When?

Mayu: Well we just planned the wedding out, he really didn't propose yet.

Machi: oh right Tohru you weren't there for that conversation.

Kisa: I wish wasn't there..

Tohru: ah that's when Saki and Uotani swept me away for the night.

*The girls all leave for a morning market in the town. Saki of course stuffs her face, making Uotani and Tohru have to wrap their arms around her to carry her a bit while she's in a food coma. Saki keeps telling them how much the food was delicious and how much she loves them. Kisa walks with Tohru and Uotani, they decide to avoid any of the food stalls for the rest of the morning. Kagura, Machi, Mayu, and Rin all walk ahead of them having a conversation to themselves*

Rin: I hope that what Momiji says to Tohru doesn't freak her out and make her run away. Chasing after her when she is freaked out is like a tortoise chasing a hare.

Mayu: I personally think this may be too soon, he's only a senior and they have their whole lives ahead of them.

Kagura: Well when you love someone, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If she's not ready, she'd tell him. I don't think we give Tohru enough credit, she's changed too and who knows maybe she won't run away at all. You guys see the way she looks at Momiji.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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