It's Wednesday my Dudes

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* A few days have passed. Momiji and Tohru still not on talking terms have been ignoring each other at school. Momiji is leaving to go to Papa's office to discuss the answer to being about to see Mama and Momo since his curse has broken. As if the day couldn't be more ominous it started to downpour. Momiji makes it to Papa's office without being completely soaked from the sudden rain now just shivering slighting walking to his fathers office. He forgot that's Tohru was working that night and didn't even notice that she had seen him walk into the building.*

Tohru's POV in her head: What is Momiji doing here on a school night, and walking right into his fathers office. I thought he wasn't allowed to see him while at work and on a school night.. could something have happened? I really wish I could ask.

Momiji's POV-

Papa: Momiji sit down, I'm glad your here. You should've called me about the rain, I would've gotten a car sent to you.

Momiji: It's not big deal! I'm just glad I'm able to talk to you.

Papa: After thinking about it for awhile, I'm still a bit uneasy by the thought of your mother seeing you again as her son that she has forgotten. How would we even explain that without hurting her again. But I do know that Momo really wants a big brother, she told me how she sneaks to the Sohma's and watches you play the violin.

Momiji: I'm sorry, I didn't know till recently that she had been doing that. I swear I didn't talk to her at all. I actually got the message from someone dear to me.

Papa: I understand, it's not your fault. I'm just fearing the worst. I just don't want you to go through this again but instead of your mother it't your sister. I feel like I abandoned you already as it is. I was a terrible father, I've made you lose your other and your sister, and I wouldn't want to make you go through that again.

Momiji: We don't even know how Mama will react. I don't want to hurt her either. We both did what we thought was right, I was only a kid then but I realized that If I didn't stay away from Mama something bad would've happened and Momo would be alone.

Papa: Things are different now. Your curse is broken so maybe we can start again. If all else fails we can always rely on Hatori.

Momiji: So are you saying. I can see Mama and Momo soon?

Papa: What about this Saturday at the house. You can stop by for lunch.

Momiji: That's perfect! Can I bring the sweets as a gift?

Papa: Of course, in the mean time please go buy some clothes that fit you. I don't want you to wear your uniform or the outfit I gave to you for your date.

Momiji: Speaking of date, I think I blew it.

Papa: What do you mean?

Momiji: I confessed to her but I think I laid it down to strong because she's been ignoring me at school since we last saw each other that night I dropped her off. We use to be so close and now it feels like she doesn't even want to be my friend. I did say I'd give her time but the distance is killing me.

Papa: Momiji, what exactly did you say to her? Son, coming on too strong?

Momiji: Oh no Papa not like that! I just told her that I've liked her for awhile and just wanted to the moment to be perfect.

Papa: Well that doesn't sound like coming on strong.

Momiji smirking: You'd understand if you met her Papa. She freaks out blushing at any kind of attention. She takes care of everyone but doesn't let people take care of her. She is truly magnificent. I just wish she'd talk to me again even if she doesn't feel the same way about me.

Papa: Doesn't Tohru work here? You should go and talk to her to clear the air.

Momiji: oh no it's not like that

Papa: You could also invite her to lunch since if things go sour, someone will at least be there since I won't be able to. If she's truly magnificent then I doubt she'd say no. I do really feel bad putting this on her. The poor girl doesn't really know anything.

Momiji smiling: She knows a lot more than you think.

Papa: Well go on, go talk to her. I'll see you Saturday at noon.

*Momiji takes a deep breath as he opens the door, walking out to try and find Tohru. He sees a few of the women she works with and asks where he could find her. They tell him that she went home early because she felt ill. Momiji gets scared by the thought of her being sick because he remembers the story she told him about when her grandpa being sick. Anxiety filling his chest as he headed home.*

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