Lunch Inn

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*Tohru wakes up early to start to get ready. She had set out her outfit lastnight so she wasn't panicking in the morning to figure out what to wear. She picked out a long-sleeve pastel purple button up blouse with a long grey wool skirt, having a black mini purse to go along with the outfit. She worn short black ankle boots. She decided to have her hair down for today. Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure were all still sleeping so Tohru prepared breakfast for them all and ate alone because she didn't want to wake them just yet. Leaving a note that she had gone out for the day and would be back later. She was waiting outside with her new white scarf that had pom-poms on the ends.

Momiji looking through the new clothes he had purchased durning the week having multiple bags all over his room. He picked out a grayish purple button up rolling the sleeves up a little and leaving the top two buttons undone. He went with a dark pair of blue jeans and a pair of all black converse. Momiji grabs a piece of toast with jam before getting into the car his father had sent. He arrives at Shigure's seeing Tohru looking up into the sky and thinking to himself how beautiful she looks. Momiji opens the car door steeping to greet Tohru with a big hug. He lets her get into the car first before sitting beside her and closing the door.*

M0miji: Thank you again for coming with me, I'm sorry for making things awkward between us. I just want things to go back to normal. ...I want to be able to hold you hand again.. crap.. did I just say that out loud.

Tohru blushing: No, no, really that's fine. You didn't say anything wrong. I'm glad we are able to talk and I'm excited to see Momo. I do feel a bit nervous about meeting your dad in person and meeting your mom.

Momiji: Wait you've never met my dad before? You work at the office building, have you really never seen him?

Tohru: Well I guess I've seen the back of his head that one time we watched him, your mom, and Momo walk home. I don't clean his office till after he is gone. I've heard you guys talk before but you always walk out of his office alone.

Momiji: I'm really surprised, I thought you'd see at least something. Don't be nervous though, Papa told me to invite you. Besides if things get awkward you could always go play with Momo outside.

Tohru putting her fist up to the air: I will try my best! If you need to hold my hand you can. Or if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here.

Momiji: I'm happy to see my Tohru smiling again.

Tohru: It's really nice of your dad to send the car, I wouldn't have minded walking.

Momiji: I know he's probably just nervous, Papa is doing everything he can to make things go as smooth as possible. He didn't want us to be late.

Tohru: Everything is going to great today. Your finally going to have your family again.

Momiji: We're here!

*The car pulls away as Momiji and Tohru are left standing at the front door. Momiji is trying to work up the courage to knock but right when he's about to, Tohru knocks instead and looks at Momiji with a quick smile grabbing his hand to hold for support. Papa comes to the door and looks at the two young adults that stand before him.*

Papa: So this is the magnificent girl you were talking about? Tohru, right?

Tohru: Magnificent? It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Sohma. Thank you for inviting me.

Momiji giving his father a stern look: Can we come inside? But yes this is the magnificent Tohru I talked to you about.

Tohru not letting go of Momiji's hand as they walk inside: Mr.Sohma your house is so pretty.

Papa: Thank you, my wife does all the decorating. She's got a very unique taste like her son.

Momiji: Thanks Papa, I feel excited to get to know Momo and see Mama again.

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now