It's Broken?!

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*Her mouth hung open as she extended her arms pushing Momiji farther from her, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She shifted Momiji to the side to see if the rabbit was just behind him and seeing nothing there. Her breath hitched in her throat, with tears in her eyes and letting go of Momiji to cover up her mouth.*

Tohru: Is it really possible? How did this happen?! You can't transform anymore?! Are you not connected to the rabbit spirit anymore?!

*Momiji stares at Tohru knowing full well she would be this shocked. Allowing her to ask what it seemed like a million questions one after another. Smiling from ear to ear with tears welling up from happiness, he wiped them away before they could fall.*

Momiji: Now do you understand why I said I couldn't tell anyone else. I feel like they would all grow to resent me because I don't know how this even happened. The bond with Akito was there but then it just wasn't, an overwhelming feeling  of loneliness that I've never felt before crept into my heart. But with that It allows me to finally have my own feelings, thoughts, and actions that are all my own. I guess this is how everyone else feels.

Tohru: Momiji are you happy? You don't seem happy.. You seem sad. You don't have to hide it if you are.

Momiji: I'm not sad, I'm happy. It just feels like a piece is missing now that I have said goodbye to the rabbit zodiac. But! I'm doing a lot better, I cried over it last night and I think Akito has already seen this before.

Tohru: Akito knows? I guess that would make sense, you are all connected by a bond. But why did only yours break? Does that mean that they are all going to break on their own...

Momiji: I honestly don't know.. But I'm sure if you keep being yourself, you'll be able to figure it out.

*Tohru starts to question everything she has heard, and taking things in bit by bit.. Is the curse breaking, did something change? Momiji meant well by saying she should keep being herself but Tohru is confused on what to do next. As these thoughts crept into her head the school bell rang, letting them know that the free period had ended.*

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now