Awkwardness Pt. 2

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*Monday afternoon when the lunch bell rings Tohru goes to find Uotani and Saki so they can all share a meal together. Tohru and Momiji cross paths but they don't acknowledge one another just walking past each other like ships in the night. This feeling both making them uncomfortable knowing full well that neither of them could bring up what happened Saturday. Tohru knows she should tell Momiji how she feels but it's just too awkward right now. Maybe time is all they need. Tohru finds her friends out in the courtyard and they begin to eat their lunch*

Tohru: I rang into Momiji earlier.. But I couldn't say anything to him.

Uotani: Don't worry about it, you probably just need some time to adjust. You did just realize you like him.

Saki: His waves seem off today so it's a good thing you didn't talk to him.

Tohru: I just feel like I'm making things worse with the distance. Usually at lunch he'd find me to grab my hand and not let go till lunch is over. He didn't even seem to notice me.

Momiji POV in his head: why did I just walk past her and not say anything. She didn't even look at me either tho, did I really just mess things up entirely. I just want to hold her hand like I used to and chat about stupid things that don't matter. I just miss the sound of her voice. I don't think she'd ever talk to me again. I did tell her I'd give her time but this is torture.

Haru: Earth to Momiji, Earth to Momiji. What happened now.

Momiji just realizing that Haru was standing beside him: Haru, she didn't even look at me. She acted like I didn't exist.

Haru: Well did you make your existence know by saying anything to her?

Momiji: No..

Haru: Well maybe she just didn't see you.

Momiji: I suppose that could be it.. But it still hurts.

Haru: You did tell her you'd give her time right? It's Tohru, she may just need time to handle this all. I'm sure she didn't even tell Yuki and Kyo about it.

*Yuki walks up from behind*

Yuki: oh momiji, have you spoken to Tohru?

Momiji: No..why..

Yuki: Well that explains a lot. How are you hanging in there?

Momiji: Wait, what do you mean? Did she tell you what happened?

Yuki: I might've heard some things but nothing bad.

Haru: Woah, well there goes my theory.

Momiji: Oh god, this is terrible, you know. Does Kyo know?

Yuki: Well we do live in the same house..

Momiji: What did she say?

Yuki: You need to figure that out on your own. I have student council to attend, see you later.

Momiji: No fair Yuki, you just came here to harass me. Your no help at all. At least my neck wasn't snapped like a twig.

Haru: I'm also no help. I am shame.

Momiji: Let's get back to class, I need this day to end.

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