New Found Feelings

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*Tohru's POV- I walked into the house trying to wrap my head around what was said. I announced that I was home and Shigure popped his head out of his office and asked how things went. I put on a smile and said it was great but I wanted to head to bed as I was exhausted by all the walking. As I closed the door to my room and looked at mom's picture I thought to myself what she would do if she was in this situation. What would she tell me? Would she give me advice or talk about my father that I don't even know? I could hear the ticking of the clock as I slowly drifted to sleep. I was woken up by a light knock on my door and it opened and Yuki stood in my door.*

Yuki: Oh Ms.Honda, Did I disturb you? I didn't know you were sleeping. Kyo and I just got back from grocery shopping but Shigure didn't say you were already in bed.

Tohru: Oh no! It's fine. I'm awake now

Yuki: It isn't like you to be sleeping this early, is everything alright?

Tohru: Yes! I'm just exhausted from all the walking, that's all. I had a good time, it was great. All the baby animals were so cute, and the petting zoo was so fun. I also got a huge ice cream with whipped cream and sprinkles. I mentioned we went to the petting zoo right, there was a jackrabbit there and it reminded me of Momiji at the petting zoo....hah it was nice...

Yuki walking into her room and closing the door behind him: Ms.Honda, do you want to tell me what really happened. You don't normally repeat yourself several of times.

Tohru: No, No, really everything is fine! Don't worry about me everything is fine! I'm great!

Yuki: What happened at the petting zoo? I know you well enough by now and can see your hiding something.

Tohru putting her head down to try and avoid eye contact: Can feelings change? Like friendship?

Yuki seeing the despair on her face and remembering the threat he had said earlier to Momiji: What happened today? Was it about his feelings or yours that changed?

Tohru waving her arms around in a dramatic way: Oh I don't really know.. He says he has feelings for me, romantic ones I'm thinking. I guess I've never really been confessed to before.

Yuki: Well I do see your point, a confession is awkward when it's just one sided.

Tohru: Well I don't know if it is one sided... I never looked at him in that way before.

Yuki letting out a sigh: oh, Ms.Honda if only you knew.

Tohru: What do you mean by that? Don't tell me that I'm the one sided person? Do I..

Yuki laughing: No. I'm glad to see your back to your normal self but the person I'm referring to is Momiji and his feelings towards you. I'm assuming you turned him down. He'll be ok soon.

Tohru: What, I didn't say anything back. We walked home in silence. I didn't know what to say..

Yuki: Well that explains that. What do you feel when you think about his confession?

Tohru thinking of what Momiji looked like when he told her suddenly made her blush: He didn't seem like the usual Momiji, he kept mentioning how he was supposed to be taking care of me and being stronger. He was perfect the way he was before, I don't know why he would want to change for me at least up until he said "that" at the petting zoo.

Yuki: I see you've been thinking a lot about this a lot

Tohru putting her fist in the air: Yeah! That's why I went to bed early because I was tired.

Yuki putting his hand on his face: Ms.Honda what are we going to do with you? I should let you get back to sleep then.

*Yuki left Tohru's room leaving her with her thoughts. She looked up at the ceiling trying to think of what to do next. Her heart started beating faster because she didn't want things to be different between Momiji and her if she didn't try to consider the feelings growing in her chest. Slowly drifting off to sleep once more.*

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now