The Invitation

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*A few days have passed, it is now Friday. Momiji and Tohru still haven't talked to one another. Momiji is starting to get anxious about going to see Mama and Momo, He knows that Papa said to invite Tohru but since they don't seem to be on talking terms Momiji is wondering if he should ask. It's like the day is going by in flashes, making Momiji more anxious by the minute. The bell finally rings to go home and Haru walks with Momiji back to the estate.*

Haru: Have you spoken to her yet? I've been asking you this for two days already.

Momiji: For the last time Haru, No. I have not spoken to her yet...

Haru: Is that why you still look so depressed? With a hint of anxiety?

Momiji: Not a hint, a full dose. 3 days worth. I'm supposed to go see Mama and Momo tomorrow for lunch. Papa suggested I bring Tohru along since I painted her as this magnificent person. If were not on talking terms, how am I supposed to ask.

Haru: Woah, Your going to go see your mom and your little sister? Is that even safe?

Momiji: Well since my curse is broke, Hatori said Mama may take it well but if she doesn't then he will just erase her memory again. I'll be ok if things don't work out with Mama, I just want her to be happy. I'm not sure if it's a bad thing with Momo since she told Tohru that she wanted a brother and has been watching me play violin which is why she wanted to learn to play too.

Haru: So you should just call Tohru and ask her to come with you. If she goes maybe it'll soften the blow if things go bad. I'm hoping for the best for you but you should be prepared for the worst.

Momiji: With both situations?

Haru: No, I think Tohru and you will work things out. You guys just need to grow up and talk like adults. I might be asking too much tho since we are in highschool. But you do want this to work long term right?

Momiji: Of course I do... But I don't even know how She feels about me yet. So thinking of the future like that stings a little.

Haru: I know how you feel, being someone who has no idea what the other person is thinking especially when it comes to you know the heart. If you don't give it a shot then you'll regret your decision about your confessing at all.

Momiji: Yeah, you are right. I guess I'm calling her.

Haru putting his fist in the air: You've got this my liege, your vassal is here for you!

Momiji: Can you stop saying that in public. People are going to think we're doing some role play shit.

Haru getting on his knee: Never fear, I'll always be by your side my king! Your trusty vassal will shield the shame you feel.

Momiji starting to walk away fast from Haru: Stranger Danger, I don't know you!

Haru: My king! Come back, we have to discuss your plans posthaste.

Momiji: La,la, la I can't hear you! I don't know who you are.

*Momiji and Haru reach the esate, Momiji running as fast as he can to close the door before Haru is able to follow him into his home. He puts his back against the door to try and keep Haru out but Haru is clearly the stronger one shoving the door open with ease.*

Haru: You know, the more you run away from this the longer I'll keep this up.

Momiji: You are so annoying sometimes. Yuki was right, you drive me crazy.

Haru: Tohru is probably home by now too, you should give her a call before Shigure makes her cook a 5 course dinner.

Momiji: I could always call her after dinner, It can't be too much longer...

Haru already calling Tohru off Momiji's phone and handing it off to Momiji like a hot potato: You better put the phone up to you ear before she answers..

*Tohru picks up the phone, only just to hang up after Momiji says Hello. She freaks out and calls him back*

Tohru: I'm so sorry that was completely rude of me. I. I just don't know what to say. I don't know why I did that, I was extremely petrified.

Momiji: That's alright, I'm glad you sound fine. I was worried you might've been sick since when I asked about you to the women you work with they had said you went home early because you weren't feeling well.

Tohru: oh, I just didn't expect you to be at the office and since we haven't been talking much I didn't want to make things more awkward so I told them I had a stomach ache. I'm sorry I made you worry.

Momiji: I'm sorry I haven't talked to you at all in school. I was trying to give you space since I know I scared you off with my confession. I just want things to go back to normal. I can't stand watching you walk past me like I don't exist.

Tohru: Well, um, you know, last Saturday when we were heading back, I didn't answer you. You said it's fine, but I kinda got embarrassed by not saying anything back so I thought you may have hated me. It made me really sad since I really wanted to talk to you but I wanted to respect your feelings because I thought you could've possibly resented me since I made you feel terrible just walking me home in silence.

Momiji: No, no, Tohru. I'm not mad at you, I've been mad at myself for putting my feelings on you when I should've tried to respect yours. If we're ok, can I ask a favor?

Tohru: Sure, what can I do!...

Momiji: Well tomorrow I'm going to see Mama and Momo for lunch at Papa's house. He suggested that I bring you along with me. So I was hoping that you would come because I need you.

Tohru: Well of course I'll be there! After all we are friends right?

Momiji: Yeah, we are. Thanks Tohru, I can always count on you.

Tohru: Oh! Do I need to dress up? I've never been to family lunch before.

Momiji: Wear whatever you'd like! Momo is going to love to see you again I know it! I'll pick you up right up at 11. Goodnight Tohru, I'll see you then. Thank you.

*After getting off the phone, Haru lets out a deep breath and says Well, what did she say?*

Tohru's POV in her head: Did I really just say, friends? I want to be more thank friends.. Oh god! Did I just think that. Do I re.. I really do like him. I never could imagine my heart would ache this much. He must think I'm such a jerk.

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