Love Advice

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*Dark Haru kicking his door down with a rage from hunger as he smells the hot food Momiji had picked up for them. He yells at Momiji to hand the bag over saying that if he didn't someone was going to lose their teeth. Momiji just stood there with a smile on his face handing over the food. All the while Haru was just Hangry. He attempted to close the door that was off its hinges, mumbling under his breath that Haru needed some anger management lessons. Walking back to Haru's room seeing that he had finished most of the food, he sat down on the couch waiting for Haru to stop stuffing his face.*

Haru with food in his mouth: So what did you want to talk about?

Momiji: Well that is kinda gross that your talking with your mouth full, I would give this date a zero.

Haru gulping down his last bite: Fine, stop joking around and tell me already.

Momiji: Ah, so normal Haru is back. I wasn't sure. Did you leave any rice balls for me?

Haru reluctantly handing over the last 3: I guess you can have these. You did buy them.

Momiji: I had a feeling you'd eat all the other ones.

Haru: Well come out with it Bunny boy. Will you tell me what's going on already. You seem different and I thought that back at school. And no it has nothing to do with how tall you grew and how your face is no longer a baby face.

Momiji: Aw how rude. But anyway there is something. It's about Tohru....

Haru sitting up straight: What about her?

Momiji avoiding eye contact with Haru: There's something about her I just can't shake.

Haru: What happened? Is she ok? Did something happen at sensei's?

Momoji: No, No, everything is fine. At least I hope it is. I talked to her earlier on the roof about something and she seemed to take it rather well but I couldn't help but notice that she also had a far off look.

Haru: What exactly did you talk to her about, stop going around in circles. You said you really needed to talk to me about it so just spit it out.

Momiji hiding his face in his hands: I think.. No..I know, that I like her more than just friends. It's weird, I always loved her but not in that way. Now it's different and I'm not sure what to do next. Something has changed, I really don't know when it started to.

*Haru hearing these words, tried to think carefully what his next sentence would be*

Haru: Speaking from experience, if you feel this way you should probably tell her. Though it may complicate things if this is how you really feel. Do you know if Tohru may feel the same way about you?

Momiji: I don't actually know and I'm really nervous to tell her. She may end up taking it the wrong way and end up not realizing what I'm actually saying to her.

Haru: Well when I told Rin I wanted to be with her, I just told her that I loved her and I kissed her. Though that approach with Tohru would probably not be best. She isn't like Rin so she may end up just freaking out like she normally does when she's uncomfortable. You know how she does spacey thing and then back peddles into running away from the situation. You know running away as quick as she can.

Momiji let out an exasperated sigh: So this will be quite difficult then. I didn't think confessing my feeling would be this hard.

Haru: What made you want to do this now? You've been towering over her since the beginning of summer. If you were waiting to be taller than her you could've done this earlier.

Momiji: I was mostly waiting because the timing was not exactly right and circumstances have changed now. I didn't want her to get hurt by Akito.

Haru: But she could still get hurt by Akito if they ever find out.

Momiji: I would just take the blame for it and this time its different. I'm finally strong enough to protect her.

Haru: Just because your taller doesn't make you stronger. It's not about strength when it comes to Akito. You know it's their birth right.

Momiji: There's something else I needed to say too...

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now