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*Momiji's POV:  I was walking home in silence, thinking to myself- did I say the right thing? Was it too early? Should I have listened to Haru? What if things change but not for the good? Did I scare her off? Will she talk to me again? Did I come on too strong? Was this too much of a change for her? Was I selfish for only considering my own feelings and not how she felt? After all she ended up taking care of me either way. I haven't changed one bit. Walking through the gates of the estate, opening the door and climbing into bed. I didn't even change out of Papa's nice button down, I'm sure it'll be wrinkled in the morning. *

"You really think she's like you? You really think she'd love you? You? That's ridiculous, she'll regret you, she doesn't want you. I'm the only one that cares"

Momiji: No, no.. Is that Akito?

Akito: I told you before this would happen. Why are you so dumb to think anyone could ever love you? Let alone like you? Did you think that breaking our bond would change anything? You are nothing without me, you poor pathetic little boy. Always clutching that rabbit. You're nothing but a kid to any of us. You'll always be a kid, what makes you think you'd ever be a man. Men aren't as weak as you. You can play dress up all you want, sooner or later you'll realize that she views you as nothing.

Momiji sitting there covering his ears as tears roll down his cheeks: You're wrong.. you're wrong.. you're wrong!

*Suddenly waking up with beads of sweat and tears rolling down his face, he sees that he was still in his room in bed. Looking off to the floor where the light caught his eye from the moon that illuminated the rabbit stuffed animal. His mind was blank with the words from the nightmare as the words kept repeating over and over again in his head. What seemed like an eternity the sun began to raise replacing the light from the moon. Morning had finally come. He pulled himself out of bed washing his face in the bathroom. He was going to look like a wreck again. It seems like his nightmare might becoming true. His phone began to buzz and Haru's name lit up the screen. After sending it to voicemail several of times Momiji decided to answer.*

Haru: Oh! The new Prince Charming finally picks up the phone, how gracious of him. I'm truly honored to be graced with such kindness. It warms my cold heart.

Momiji letting out a sigh: You are lucky I even answered.

Haru: Ok grouch, what's wrong with you? Couldn't sleep? Did I interrupt something.

*Momiji hangs up, Haru instantly calling him back*

Haru: Harsh, I seem I hit a soft spot, what's wrong my liege? Why so glum.

*Momiji hangs up the phone this time Haru does not call back. Sighing to himself he sits on his bed and lays back trying to close his eyes just to rest for a bit. What only seemed like 10 minutes there was a pounding on the door. Haru bursts in and sees Momiji laying down and looking defeated. Laying down next to him. Momiji sighs and asks Haru what he wants.*

Haru: Well it's unlike you to be so rude and hang up on me. I thought what we had was special.

Momiji smirking and snorted from trying not to laugh: Haru stop it. Can't you see I'm depressed.

Haru: Finally you acknowledge your vassal.

Momiji groaning: If your my vassal I don't need you right now. Follow your orders and leave.

Haru: Ah but alas it seems like I'm a stupid one. Would you mind telling this dumb oaf what's going on?

Momiji: I think I ruined things between Tohru and I. Maybe Akito is right. What if I'm just not strong enough yet to stand on my own. She won't like me, I'm not good enough.

Haru: What did you say?

Momiji: I just told her how I felt and we walked back to Shigure's in silence.

Haru: Ah she rejected you. Been there, well. Are you going to give up on the girl you love?

Momiji: Who said anything about love?

Haru: You're so obvious. It's painful to watch. Well if you give up some other guy will swoop in and take her. Is that what you want? What happed to those things you said about making your own mistakes? I didn't know our new prince was so weak. Whatever will we do, our kingdom is ruined.

Momiji kicking Haru off the bed to the floor: People who aren't royalty don't get to talk.

Haru: I guess it's a good thing that none of us are actual royalty. Get dressed I'm taking you out for lunch.

Authors note: I hope you enjoy this chapter as it was written durning our "Crack head" hour. This simply means that we are unhinged and laugh at anything possible. These scenarios took forever and a lot of rewriting because there was originally a lot of swearing involved.

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