The Trip

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*Time passes it is now a few days before Momiji and Tohru's 1 year anniversary. Durning this time Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo had graduated. Tohru had decided to go to college close to not be away from Momiji. Yuki and when to a college with Machi's brother. Kyo and Kagura went to start their own dojo in the mountains. The Sohma Curse also finally lifted in unison around this time. No one knows what truthfully caused it but Shigure's hunch was that all the members of the Zodiac were born ending the cycle as the final fest had come to a close. After several dates, double dates with their friends, family dinners, and play dates with Momo. Tohru and Momiji were going to be celebrating their 1 year anniversary with all the former zodiacs at the hot spring. So many things have happened in this span of time and one of Momiji and Tohru's memorable dates was when he took her to the Kyoshi's okonomiyaki restaurant which had slowly became their favorite place and their most frequent dating spot with their friends. Thursday evening Momiji and Tohru are in a group call with everyone that's going*

Tohru: Thank you everyone for joining! This is going to be the best trip ever.

Haru: Well you know, you don't really give us an option when it comes to this trip. Afterall you did say it was kinda like a reunion.

Rin: Is everyone sure they are going to make it?

Ayame: I wouldn't miss it for the world, my darling and I are bringing outfits for everyone!

Hatori: I am not playing dress up with you again.

Shigure: Come on, remember Aya, tori looked so cute when he did his Kagura dance.

Kyo: Can we knock this off already your giving me a headache.

Yuki: I agree fully with this statement.

Kagura: Did you mention my name?

Yuki: You need to stop clicking out of the call.

Kyo: Well sorry, we have students to teach.

Hiro: Is this thing even going to turn out fun, if Tohru is behind it, I highly doubt it.

Kisa: Hiro that's not really nice, you should be happy Tohru is bringing us all together.

Momiji: Actually It was my idea and not Tohru's I thought it would be nice to see you all. Sorry Hiro

Haru: Your just mad that you don't get to share a room with Kisa.

Hiro: Fine whatever, I'm going to go. I have stuff to do.

Tohru: Bye Hiro! I hope your sister is doing well.

Kureno: Uotani will be getting me from the airport. We will probably be the first to arrive besides you two.

Ritsu: Mother and I are so excited for you all to be joining us.

Yuki: Is there anything that you guys have planned?

Momiji: Well one of the days were there, it's our anniversary so Tohru and I will be gone for that evening but..

Tohru: We have a whole itinerary that we will be sending to you guys! There's a lot of places to explore outside the the hotsprings, we also highlighted restaurants and even personalized places for each of you to explore on your own.

Shigure: There's our Tohru as usual.

Rin: You didn't have to do that you know, you just keep on taking care of everyone. Even on your anniversary.

Tohru: This just made me really happy to do this for everyone. I was so excited I just couldn't help myself. I really miss you all.

Momiji: Is there any other questions before we end the call?

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