Invading Thoughts

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* Tohru tried her best to rid her nervous look that she knew had on her face before she walked back into class. She couldn't believe what just happened and unable to tell anyone closest to her what she had just found out. The situation would be much more complicated since everyone would be asking questions knowing that no one seemed to have the answers. She would just have to keep being herself and looking elsewhere on how to break the curse. As she opened the door to the classroom barely escaping her thoughts Yuki Sohma was looking right at her. Could he already read the look on her face?*

Yuki: Ms. Honda is something wrong, you look pale. Do you need to go to the nurse?

The question Yuki asked brought Tohru back down to earth from her thoughts. Looking away from Yuki she says..

Tohru: No, No I'm fine. I'm just a little hot that's all! Really! I was just outside with Momiji and Kyo.

*Yuki looked at Tohru confused because Kyo did not come back to class with her as he normally would. Wanting to press her more and see what may be hiding behind her eyes. The bell rang again signaling them all to sit for class to begin. From the moment Tohru took her seat, her mind was still racked with questions, all unanswerable due to the current situation, one question stood out the most "What Feelings?"*

Tohru Inner Monologue: I need to calm down, I need to look normal before Uoi and Saki begin to ask questions that I won't be able to answer. Oh no what if they already noticed, Yuki already noticed as well. Saki is very preceptive, I need to think happy thoughts. That's right! Happy thoughts, like my mom, my grandfather, and all the people that love me and Momiji..... Why did Momiji just pop up into my head. I do love him, but it's that question. What did he mean by feeling's and why were they directed at me. I know he loves me but I thought it was just as friends or someone he held close to like all the other Sohma's. Oh right, it's my turn to read from this chapter. I really need to pay attention.

*The teacher had been calling on Tohru as it was her turn to read, it took awhile for her to snap out of her thoughts as her friends all looked at her with curiosity that questions what could be going on.*

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