What Comes Next

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*Momiji walking back to class with the usual skip in his step, seems to be feeling well about himself and his decision to show Tohru that his curse has broken. But the question in his mind is what comes next?*

Momiji's inner monolog: I cannot believe I just showed Tohru that my curse was broken. Will things change between Tohru and I? Will she avoid me in order to not let anyone know? I didn't mean to tease Kyo about the curse breaking. I'm sure now he has a lot of question's and won't believe me that I was kidding at least to him. That probably was not a good idea at all, oh well can't do anything about it now. I should talk to Haru about what I should do next to move forward with telling Tohru how I feel about her but I know I should probably be careful since this is a sensitive topic as Haru and Rin has still not gotten back together after her stay at the hospital. But Haru has always been my closest friend excluding Tohru, so it should be fine. After all I'm allowed to make my own mistakes if I'm wrong.

*The bell rings and Momiji takes his seat starting to day dream about the future he wants with Tohru. Class seemed to fly by with his happy thoughts in his head, all of them having to do with what life would be like with Tohru and him together. As an upturned smile begins to form his thoughts get interrupted by someone pushing on his shoulder as the bell rang for class to be dismissed. The person who nudged was obviously Haru*

Haru: Lunch? Earth to Momiji, come back to earth please. I'm starving and all the good food will be gone if we wait any longer.

*Momiji dazed and still getting out of his blissful day dream*

Momiji: Huh?

Haru: What did you not get any sleep? You have bags under your eyes? I thought you had more self care than this. This is a new low for you. I think your growth spurt effected you negatively.

*Momiji covering his face, to try and soften the loud laugh he has just let out by the comments from Haru as usual. He never fails to make him laugh.*

Momiji: I'm fine, I guess I stayed up too late. I was thinking about how different everybody looks now that I'm as tall as you and as princely as Yuki.

Haru: Uhuh, so are you going to be chased by a bunch of girls now as well. That'll be a problem for you since romulus will start to spread.

Momiji: I think you meant rumors Haru. You really need to pay more attention in English class.

Haru: Oh whatever you know what I meant, I'm just hungry and we still haven't left for lunch yet.

*Momiji and Haru walk to the student to see what they could possibly still grab. Haru punches Momiji's arm when they see all the good food is gone. Momiji clinging to his arm and saying*

Momoiji: That was meant Haru, are you going to start abusing me like Kyo just because I'm just as tall as you. You shouldn't be treating the future prince of this school like that. I also have growing pains still. You jerk.

Haru: Yeah alright, well do you want to tell me what's on your mind. You were out of it until I shook you out of it.

Momiji: I do need to talk to you about something rather important but not at school.

Haru: Why don't you come over to my place after?

Momiji: Fine it's a date then? I hope you have snacks.

Haru: Well you'd be buying them since you made us miss lunch. Let's get back to class.

*The bell rings to get the students back to class. Momiji and Haru both laughing as they knew they'd be hungry before class was even over*

Authors note: This chapter was hilarious to write since Haru can be so outlandish and can be the perfect comic relief. Romulus was originally a typo that was going to be fixed but the other author and I agreed to leave it in and make Haru look dumb.

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now