Into The Wild

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*Tohru wearing her hair in a two braids with matching color bows at the end of them. Dressed in a yellow sweater, a grey pleated skirt and knee high brown boots. She also had a small black shoulder bag that hit the end of her skirt. Momiji's eyes sparkled at how cute she had dressed just for him. Thinking about how she picked this outfit especially for their first date.*

Momiji: ah Tohru, you look exceptionally cute today! Just a perfect princess.

Tohru: Ok my prince lets go to the zoo.

Yuki: Please be careful,

Kyo: Yeah no people.

Shigure: Please be back before dinner! I cant stand Yuki's cooking and hate take out. A man needs a home cooked meal.

*As Tohru and Momiji walked off  hand in hand, you could still hear Yuki and Kyo still lecturing Shigure on how he is such a leacher.*

Tohru's POV: I began to think about how different Momiji looked to me. He surprised me with how he was dressed perfectly like a prince. He looked similar to what Hatori would wear. Defiantly not the normal Momiji I'm used to, he still is really cute.

*Momiji tells Tohru excitedly that this is the second time he's been on a bus today. Tohru looked at him with confusion trying to think why he would take a bus to Shigure's. Maybe just for the experience. When the bus came to a halt, Momiji helped Tohru up from her seat taking her hand again and leading her off the bus. He paid for their tickets with Tohru persistence that she buy her own all but failed on her part.*

Momiji still clinging to her hand, pointing at the map with his free hand above: Where do you want to go first?

Tohru eyeing the map: We should start with the Giraffe's!

Momiji: To the Safari! 

Tohru smiling repeating the same phrase walking side by side holing hands: To the Safari!

Momiji's POV: It felt nice to hold her hand and not have to let go. She never once pulled away unless it was for a bathroom break. Only to just be greeted by her with excitement when she came back and grabbed my hand again. Each time making my heart race. Seeing her face light up from all the cute animals up close made my heart was about to burst from adorable she is.

Tohru: Oo, lets go look at the new baby animals!

*Tohru getting excited by seeing the baby Hippo, Tiger, and koala couldn't contain the excitement as she pulled Momiji to get a closer look, only to feel a resistance as she tried to see the tiger that looked like Kisa. Momiji could feel his nerves start to raise as the crowd grew larger and all pressed closer to see the unveil of the new animals. Tohru turning to see what could be wrong, seeing a very pale looking man looking back at her. She instantly pulls them out of the crowd and goes to set down by the concession stand. Ordering two ice creams topped with whip cream and sprinkles. She hands one off to Momiji with a smile.*

Tohru: Here I figured this could help. I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't feeling comfortable.

Momiji; No it's ok, this is all just very new to me, the crowds. It's not your fault.

Momiji mumbling to himself: Your taking care of me again.

Tohru seeing his crestfallen smile: What's the problem with that?

Momiji looking down at his ice cream: It's supposed to be the other way around. I'm still not strong enough yet.

Tohru confused by the question takes out the map she got pointing at the petting zoo: How about we go here, I'm sure there is a lot less people and we can still see cute animals.

Momiji in his head walking to the petting zoo as Tohru talks about being excited to get there: She's always taking care of everyone and I'm the one who is supposed to be doing that today since I'm the one treating her. What else can I do at this rate. She will only ever see me as a friend.

*Without even realizing Tohru had stopped walking as they were at the entrance of the petting zoo. She grabs onto his arm as she noticed that Momiji wasn't really paying attention. Pulling him in the direction of the Jackrabbit's*

Tohru: Oh wow! They remind me of you! You know moving on from something that has been there your whole life must be so difficult. To feel as if a part of you is slowly disappearing, but that would leave hole for something to be filled back up again. It would probably take awhile with this hole being so deep. Little by little, slowly taking your time to fill it more and more with feelings and new experiences till it reaches the top. Then maybe you'll no longer have the feeling of loneliness and sorrow you have now.

Momiji watching her pet the rabbit: I do feel sad when I think about the bond being broken but you're about one thing, the hole your talking about is slowly getting filled with new experiences and feelings.

Tohru looking down at the rabbit that jumped out of her hands and hopped away: Oh! Speaking of. I think, I overheard a private conversation with Kyo on the roof. What did you mean by feelings? I think might've heard my name before you said that...YOU DON'T REALLY HAVE TO ANSWER....IF YOU DON'T WANT TO. No really it's fine, I shouldn't have asked. Forget it.

*Momiji seeing Tohru try to make break for it by backpedaling out of the situation, He thought to himself that he needed to grab her before she actually ran off leaving him in the dust. He finally felt like he had to courage to tell her how he felt.*

Momiji: Seeing that you've already heard...Tohru.. I asked you out on this date not as friends but to show you my feelings as a man. I care about you and it took me awhile to figure out that the feelings I had for you back then was love and not just me longing for your friendship. It's alright if you need time to think.

Tohru's POV in her head as they walk back to Shigure's: He likes me, like romantically? How do I deal with this? What am I supposed to say? Do I like him.. I don't think I ever looked at him at him like that. But he's changed so much over the summer, it surprised me. He started to change his personality, and I think that's when I realized he was different. I was afraid of losing him and letting him go.

A Different Outcome| Momiji x Tohru Fruits Basket Where stories live. Discover now