Give Me Oknomiyaki or Give Me Death

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*Momiji and Har were on their way for lunch for about an hour trying to find Oknomiyaki which Haru desperately craved for some other reason. The only problem was that Haru has a terrible sense of direction and has proven that he can be lost for longer than a few hours or days. Momiji could see the "dark" Haru starting to make his appearance as Haru began to get aggravated when he suggested they asked someone for directions. Haru claimed that he knew where to go since he has been there once before.*

Momiji: Can't we just eat something else? You dragged me out of my house for lunch but still no lunch. I was completely happy being alone in my own solitude.

Haru: Give oknomiyaki or death. I told you, I know the way. I've been there before and I swear it was right around here.

Momiji: We've been walking in circles for the past hour. Are you sure it's here? Do you even smell it?

Haru sniffing the air: No, but it was here.

Momiji: When were you there last?

Haru: Uhh it was around the time Kyo, Kagura, and Rin would hangout. Oh and you were there too.

Momiji: You mean elementary school?! Haru, we aren't even near the elementary school. It use to be right down the road back then.

Haru: Oh yeah, well I guess back then it seemed like a really long walk... Do you know where we are now then? I've never seen this place before.

Momiji smacking his hand to his head and gritting his teeth: Haru, have you ever suffered brain damage? Or maybe you have amnesia..

Haru: Are you calling me dumb? Do you think I look like a dumb ox to you?

Momiji staring at him: No, but you look like deranged. Haru how hungry are you?

Haru: well considering you didn't pick up the phone when I called you, I skipped breakfast and came over and now you got us lost.

Momiji pulling out his phone: Alright well time to use the GPS. We will get there in no time!

Haru: Why didn't you do get the directions in the first place? Now we have to walk even more which means I will become hungrier. Which we know results in "dark" Haru.

Momiji: Oh he's very much real Haru, you just don't remember. Someone always knocks you out before it happens. Now lets get walking. It's across town..

Haru: At this rate I'm gonna starve...

Momiji: Well you dragged me out here to talk. Have you heard from Rin?

Haru: No, she's been ignoring my calls too and whenever I try to surprise her at Kagura's house she always disappears. It's like she has this sense that I'm around and flees. Kagura at least said that Rin seems to be doing ok, still as cold as ever.

Momiji: Ah I wish I had that sense, I would've fled to before you came and dragged me out here.

Haru: Well that's just rude. If you keep this emo boy band shit up I'm going to vomit.

Momiji: Have you looked yourself in the mirror lately? Mr. Delinquent.

Haru: You wanna go? We can fight right here. Say the word and I'l kick you half way across town.

Momiji: Oh that's a good idea! Maybe if you kick me I'll be at the restaurant waiting for you.

Haru: Fuck you, I hate you, I'm hungry. Eat shit and die.

Momiji looking at his phone ending the directions as they arrived: We're here!

*The place was just like how Haru and Momiji remembered. It smelled like sweets and green tea. There were sets of tables in the middle and a long bar to sit at by the windows and by the kitchen so you could watch them prepare your order. Along the walls near the kitchen there were all kinds of spatulas and news paper clipping of it being voted as the best Oknomiyaki in the area. The Kyoshi's who owned the place when they were kids were still the owners and recognized Haru's hair and Momiji's accent, they greeted them with a big smile and said "welcome back, you've both grown up so much". Momiji and Haru ordered their food and sat down at the bar to watch their food be made.*

Haru: See just how I remembered it.

Momiji: If only you could remember how to get here, instead of us going across town and then back.

Haru: Well it was worth it, you smell that food cooking? Anyways the reason I felt like dragging you out of the house was to see how everything is actually going. What is your next plan then? Are you still going to help Tohru figure out how to break the curse?

Momiji: I already told you, I don't know how to help. I'm not sure how it even happened in the first place. I think we just need to do it on our own. Tohru helped start it but I'm pretty sure it has to be on our own. I'm sorry Haru.

Haru: Ah don't worry about it. Do you plan on telling everyone else soon about it?

Momiji: No, I told Akito that I wouldn't tell anyone. But I told you and Tohru because it felt wrong to not tell you. Sooner or later the others will figure it out since I do want to be with Tohru. I'm giving her time to figure out her feelings since I did spring it on her. I won't be disappointed in how she feels if it isn't the same, I just couldn't go on with not confessing.

*The food shows up and Mrs.Kyoshi hangs around and begins to have small talk with the boys. Reminiscing of the past when Kyo, Haru, Kagura, and Momiji were kids and would run into the restaurant all yelling their orders, placing their payment on the counter and sitting down at one of the tables in the corner.*

Haru & Momiji: Thank you!

Mrs.Kyoshi: It's been awhile, I haven't seen you two since you were little. You guys used to come here everyday after school till what...Middle school? Where is Kyo and Kagura? You 4 always were with each other and seemed inseparable.

Momiji smiling: Kagura and Kyo are dating! We should've invited them but coming here was short notice. Haru insisted he got me out of the house.

Haru: This is delicious! I think I'm going to cry.

Mrs.Kyoshi: You haven't changed a bit. Well if Kyo and Kagura are dating, what about you two?

Haru: I was, but I just got dumped. Well ghosted but I assume dumped.

Momiji: I just confessed to someone too but I don't think it went the way I wanted.

Mrs.Kyoshi: Oh Haru I'm sorry, well your food will be on the house this time. Momiji you should bring that special someone on a date here it'll be on the house! We've missed you boys.

Mr.Kyoshi yelling from the kitchen: Oi! They don't want talk, they want to eat. Let them eat dear.

Mrs.Kyoshi: Do you remember these kids, well they aren't kids anymore but they use to be our best customers!

Mr.Kyoshi: Well you and your friends are welcome here anytime.

*Momiji and Haru left the restaurant with bags in hand since Mrs.Kyoshi insisted on treating them. The walk home went by fast and Momiji was once again alone in his room.*

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