Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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When I looked at the newspaper I was a quite shocked to see the name Henry Emily, a familiar name to me that owned the place. He was my fathers best friend and I always had seen him as a father figure, maybe even a second father. I figured I could definitely get a job if he worked there, since he practically raised me, so I decided to call the number on the newspaper for an interview.

"Hello? Is this Fazbears Entertainment?"

"Yes, would you like to book a reservation?" A crabby voice on the other line responded, I immediately turned the volume down on my cellphone.

"No, actually I was in need of a job, am I able to get an interview?"

"Of course! I'll notify Mr. Emily, he is available today at 5:30, is that okay?"

"Oh wow, yes! I'll be there!" A smile was planted onto my face at the thought of a reunion with Henry.

"Okay see you then." She hung up, abruptly.

I was too excited for the job I didn't even contemplate the thought that they didn't ask much about my background. I considered the possibility that they were just desperate for employees, but it did seem a little sketchy.

Shaking my head, I put my phone down and got prepared for the interview with Henry.


When I pulled into the pizzeria it was 5:23, I decided to just go and head in early, rather be early than late. When I walked in the place was flooded with children and most were just running around, chasing each other. I laughed at the excitement they must be having and headed towards the counter with the workers.

"Hey, I'm here for an interview..?"

"Oh yes Mr. Emily's room is right down the hall over there. First door on the right." She said with a slight smirk, her voice was calmer so I assumed this was a different woman than the one I spoke to.

"Okay thank you!"

I walked down the hall, and the noise from the pizzeria slowly started fading away. It was almost calming. That many people was surely overwhelming.

I opened the door into Henry's office, he didn't look up for a few seconds but when he did, he seemed shocked.

"Y/N..?" His eyes were wide open, his body frozen at the site of me.

"Hi Henry! It's been so long!" I walked over to his desk and sat down on the chair that faced him.

"Yes it has! We have so much to catch up on. Why are you here though?" Henry was a tall man, he had brown hair and he usually was well dressed. He was a awkward and shy person, but he had a really kind heart. That's why my father liked him so much.

"I'm here for the interview. I'm desperate for a job." I was ashamed, this wasn't the ideal place to be for someone my age, but I knew Henry would be supportive.

"Well you came to the right place, we are desperate for some workers, let me just get you a file and I'll start with the interview." Henry began opening file cabinets and pulling out papers. He placed papers on the desk and started asking me questions. We went back and forth for about twenty minutes until he had pulled more files out and smiled.

"Well, Y/N. We'd love to have you as a employee! You can start tomorrow, your shift starts at 6 AM, and it ends at 7 PM. I know it's long but we are very understaffed. I'll be sure to make it the least stressful for you."

"Thank you so much Henry, do I need a uniform?" Before Henry could answer he looked up behind me at the door, I turned around and saw a very tall man standing there. Henry was tall, but he was no match for this man. He had dark brown hair, which was messy and uncombed, and he was wearing a purple Freddy's shirt. He had bright-green eyes, and he stared down at the two of us seemingly with no emotion. I couldn't see much of his facial features though, due to the dim lighting.

"Henry, who's this?" It seemed more like a demand than a question, his voice in borderline disgust. I cringed.

"This is Y/N, L/N. I used to be very good friends with her father. She applied for a job here, and she will start tomorrow."

"Shouldn't of we discussed this first?" The man seemed annoyed, I sat there awkwardly hoping for him to drop it.

"William, please be understanding we are very understaffed right now."

What was so bad about me working here anyway? I thought about my gender, but there were other woman here. I was at the right age, so I didn't understand why he wouldn't want me as an employee.

"Fine." It was so embarrassing having that man fight about me working here, right in front of me. I already don't like him.

"Okay, sorry about that Y/N. William will show you, your uniform. You will probably see him more often than me, he likes to work more outside the office." Great.

"Okay, thanks Henry!" I got up out of my chair and stood waiting for William to move or do anything really.

"Let's go, darling." I unconsciously stepped away from him at hearing the nickname. He seemed significantly older than me and I didn't appreciate those endearing words.

He opened the door for me. I walked out as he kept it open and then I let him lead the way. It was kind of a silent and awkward walk, but something about him was off, besides the fact I didn't really like him. I didn't want to talk to him. He was just off-putting.

"Not much of a talker?" He looked back at me, expecting conversation, but I was at a loss for words.

"Didn't you just tell Henry to not hire me?" I couldn't help myself. I don't like this guy. And his smirk only grew more at my agitation.

"Sorry about that, love. I don't like not being told things. Nothing personal." Can he stop with the nicknames? He was seriously weirding me out at this point. And the sudden darkness of the hallway wasn't helping.

His movement stopped as we reached another door. He held it open for me once again and I walked in to see what looked similar to a locker room. He walked over to a cubby and grabbed a uniform. It was purple. No one else wore purple but him, why do I have to? I didn't want to look like a grape.

"Do you have any other color?" I really don't want to match with him. And the color looked ugly itself. I'd rather have their usual black shirt that I saw on the lady at the front desk.

"Sorry love, we ran out." I sighed and took the uniform.

He gave me a weird smile than started, "So as you know your shift starts tomorrow at 6 AM. Report to my office at the start of your shift and I'll give you further direction." He went into a serious tone again.

"Henry never said I had to do that." I don't want to go into this man's office. He's an odd-ball enough.

"If you want to keep your job, my office. 6 AM." He was demanding things again. His tone started more curt and aggressive.

"Sure, whatever." I went to walk out the room when he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from doing so, I looked back and he gazed at me with a smile on his pale face. I was able to look at his facial features better, he looked very skinny, like he hadn't eaten, but still looked strong, like he had muscles. He had really messy hair, tired eyes, and yet somehow still a charming face. But his smile was still deeply disturbing.

"Like what you see?" Ew... I tried pulling my arm away but I couldn't.

"Let go." I tried demanding. Is he allowed to do this?!

"As long as you promise to go to my office tomorrow." He gave me a sly look, with his eery smile.

"Fine. I promise. Can you let go now?" I was starting to extremely hostile. If he didn't let go I was going to kick him somewhere he wasn't going to like.

"Yes, see you tomorrow darling." He said letting go of my wrists finally.

As I walked towards the door he said one more thing.

"By the way my names William Afton, but you can call me Will." He winked at me afterwards. Winked. I tried my best to hide my inner disgust.

"See you later, Afton." I was trying to piss him off. His ego needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

The last thing I saw was a disturbing smile before I turned around and left.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now