Willaim x Reader !Special! (Pregnant)

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Hi readers, I've decided that I'll make the reader pregnant, but not affecting the actual book. This is just going to be something for fun, since most people didn't want Y/N pregnant.

If anyone wants me to continue this, let me know. Maybe I'll make some sequel from this...


The past couple of weeks I've been feeling very queasy. What scares me the most, was that this has been going on since the night I slept with William.

Today was the day I finally decided to buy a pregnancy test. I was in denial at first, but it definitely is a possibility, and I wasn't sure of what to think about it.

Here I am, waiting on the toilet for the lines to show up on the stick. I didn't even know what William would think! Would he be ashamed? I mean, he killed a child! He definitely doesn't want more, right?!

But what appeared on the stick was very unsettling.



"Good morning, love~" William kissed my cheek as he turned from cooking breakfast. I chuckled nervously as I muttered my good mornings and sat down.

I had no idea how to tell him, what would I even tell him?! How would he react? I'm not sure about him, but I did always want a child. It may be a little early, but I certainly wouldn't protest to the idea of it...this must be the hormones.

"Where's the kids?" I asked, noticing the absence of the three Afton's. Which only made me more uneasy, since it'd be harder to avoid the topic.

"I dropped them off at school before you woke up." William answered as he handed me a plateful of food. My cravings were taking over my body as I imagined the sweet syrupy feeling in my mouth.

"Uh huh." I hummed, paying more attention to the fluffy pancakes in front of me.

"Say, darling, you've been a little quiet this morning...is everything alright?" William looked down at my half-empty plate with concern. I really hope he isn't catching on already.

"Yep!" I replied almost too quickly, earning a even more concerning look from William.

"You can tell me anything, love." William sat down beside me, holding my hand. I gulped. I guess it's better now than never...



"I don't know if I should tell you. I don't know how you're going to react." I sighed, avoiding eye contact at all costs with the man in front of me.

"I promise I won't be mad at you." William gripped my hand even tighter.

"I just don't know if you'll leave me..." I sighed. Suddenly, William lifted my chin up and forced me to face his gorgeous, glowing, green eyes.

"Darling, I could never do that." I hesitated for a moment. But I realized William was being serious, so I dropped my chin and decided to break the news.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

"I know." I looked up at William in shock. He knew?! How?!


"You left a little something in the bathroom." William chuckled. I didn't know how to react. He was amused? So he wasn't mad?


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