Chapter 57: Sneaking Around

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William sent me to go pick up the kids since it was around that time. Of course, I felt a little uneasy leaving him without a car in case the police come. But he reassured me that he'd be fine.

The kids were already waiting for me as I pulled into the school parking lot, going into my usual space. We had claimed it months ago when I started taking after the children and it hadn't changed since.

"Hey, Y/N. Where's father?" Michael questioned as he opened the passenger door.

"It's a long story but he's at home right now. We probably have some explaining to do to you guys." I sighed. There's no way any of them would understand the situation. Not to mention, I wouldn't want any of them knowing the truth about their father. They'd be horrified.

"Doesn't daddy have work?" Elizabeth chimed in, strapping her seatbelt.

"Well, yes. But I'll explain that when we get home." They all nodded in agreement at my suggestion. I just didn't know what I could possibly say...


What I hadn't expected when I pulled in, was a police car already there waiting for me. I told the kids to wait inside and I mentioned to them to not say anything about William's presence. They questioned it but understand the rush and obeyed.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm here because I have some questions regarding William Afton."

Speaking of, where did he go?


"Okay, firstly, were you aware that William Afton was Dave Miller all along?" Yes.

"No, sir. I wasn't."

"Dave Miller is missing as of right now. Are you aware of his current coordinates?"

At least I can be honest once...

"No. I'm not. All I remember is him running away and not coming back."


"Hm, okay. Do you mind if I check inside your house real quick?" I panicked. I had no idea how much time William had or if he was even aware that the police were here!

I had to stall!

"Must we? Is there a need?" I chuckled nervously.

The cop was not amused.

"As truthful as you seem, Miss. L/N, I need to make sure Mr. Afton isn't hiding in your home. Wouldn't you want me to make sure it's safe for your kids?"

Damn, he was good at manipulating...

"I suppose. But don't you think that's a bit intrusive?"

"Not if it's for the right cause." The cop replied, growing impatient with my rambling.

"Well, I don't know how I feel about someone going through all of my things—"

"Am I going to have to use force, ma'am?" Okay, that officially pissed me off. Who does this guy think he is?!

"Am I going to have to use force? I don't like males snooping through a woman's home!" I held back the urge to slap him. Of course, he only had the best intentions. But I had to stall...besides, he was kind of a douche.

"I don't have any evil intentions. I just need to be assured that, that criminal isn't inside your house."

"Its actually his house. Wouldn't you technically be trespassing his property?" I sneered, feeing the victory to this argument.

"A criminal like him doesn't deserve privacy." The cop growled back, "Why are you defending him? Are you aware of all the crimes he's committed? Are you hiding something?"


"No! I just don't like some random male cop going through my house! Send a female one over and do as you please!"

Good, that should give him about 10 minutes to run.

"Will that get you to shut up?" He hissed, grabbing his walky-talky. As much as I didn't like the way he spoke to me, I couldn't do much about it.


"Fine." He called a lady officer on his device and sent her my address. I heard a faint foot creak from the backside and I could only imagine I succeeded in my plan of stalling.

"So...what do ya do in your free time?"


"All clear."

The cop, 'Bruno' had just finished investigating my home. They wanted to ask the kids some questions but couldn't break through to any of them.

Michael just told them all to shut up. Chris, didn't speak at all, and Elizabeth was rambling about ice cream the whole time they just gave up on her. It was quite amusing really.

"Alright. Your house is clear. But that doesn't mean I won't be checking in from time to time. I got my eye on you, L/N." The other cop saluted before walking out with Bruno. I simply waved them goodbye and did my happy dance once they left.

"Nice job, kids." I cheered.

"I knew I wasn't the only one to get annoyed by Liz's bickering." Michael snickered.


I turned around and giggled before they all joined me. I sent them off and told them I'd prepare dinner in a bit. They complied and each sent their separate ways. The only thing being on my mind was, where could William of possibly went?

Suddenly, my phone rang, and as if answering my question it was the man himself.

"Are they gone?"

"Yes, William." I sighed.

"You wouldn't lie to me, right love?"

"No. I can assure you they are gone." I was a little hurt. Did he seriously not trust me after all this time? I guess I could understand, his best friend did backstab him...

Was it deserved though? Very.

"Alright. I'll be home soon, darling."

"William, where'd you even go—"

"See you soon, love you." Before I got the chance to speak, he already hung up.

Damn, Afton...

Wait, did he just say...he loves me?

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now