Chapter 23: Unexpected Surprises

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I decided not to question William and hopped inside the car with him. We made small talk the whole way there, but I couldn't help but feel nervous about this. I still didn't fully trust William and I wasn't sure how I felt about a date.

"Okay, love, I should probably be honest with you..." William broke the small talk and looked at me with a serious face.

"The reason we're dressed so nice is because we have to go to a ball room party." He groaned in annoyance, whilst I held a shocked look on my face.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"Stupid Henry and his wife are holding a party for Henry's parents anniversary. They've been together for 50 years, and he invited me and you ."

"But why a ball room? I know you guys are wealthy but you're not rich!" William let out a chuckle.

"Henry's been saving up. He wanted to surprise
his parents."

"I've never been to one before, I don't know anyone! William, I have to go back. I don't even know how to dance!" You started to panic as William smirked at you.

"Relax, dear. I'll do all the talking. Besides, it could be fun." I calmed down slightly, but I still didn't feel reassured.

"Why did you say it was a date then?" I asked breaking the silence. William gave me a blank stare.

"Well, technically you are my date." He said the last part flirtatiously.

"Yeah cause Henry told you to..." I mumbled.

"Oh, no. He definitely didn't. He would kill me if he ever saw me on a date with you." William chuckled, but that only gave you more confusion.

"What? I never got an invite..."

"No, no, you did. I got rid of it." Williams eyes focused back on the road.


"So I could take you!" William smirked.

"What's the difference? I would've saw you there anyway!" I answered angrily.

"Yes, but now it's even better."

"How so?"

"Cause you're my date." I rolled my eyes and let the silence take over. About 10 minutes later we pulled into the location and went inside.

The place was huge. Yellow and white lights streamed everywhere, multiple dance floors, fancy tables, and chefs and waitresses walking around. I couldn't help but be amazed by the sight. William smirked at me as I looked around in amazement.

Henry saw us at the entrance and began making his way over to us. He had a confused look on his face.

"Hey, Y/N and William!"

"Hey Henry!" I answered cheerfully.

"You look beautiful, Y/N!" I smiled at the compliment, while I noticed William looking at my dress, then at Henry.

"Yes, I agree." William spoke up.

"Anyways, did you two come here together?" His confused look had returned.

"Um-" William interrupted.

"She was having car troubles again, so I picked her up." Henry's suspicious look faded and returned back to a smile.

"Oh, alright. That was very nice, William. I'm surprised, you're never that nice to co-workers." He spat out the last part as if it were some sort of reminder and William let out a awkward chuckle.

"Ha, yes. Just being nice, that's all." Henry put on a cold look.

"Alright, I'll see you two later." Henry's smile returned and he waved before walking away.

"What was that about?" I turned to face William.

"For some reason, I don't think he likes the idea of us being together."

"First of all, we aren't. Second of all, it's not even his place! He was my fathers friend, not mine." William held a slightly disappointed look on his face, but turned it back into his usual cocky smile.

"Let's just forget about Henry. Do you want to get some food, love?" He cleared his throat.

"Yes! I love rich people food!" William chuckled as the two of you walked over to the food section.

You sat down with William at a fancy round table. It was set up like a date, but I shut down that thought. It's just a party...I dug into my food and William did the same, casually making small talk as we ate.

As I was on my last bite, a person had started making their way over to us. I began to worry, I didn't know anyone here, I had never really seen Henry's family, but they probably knew William. I sighed in relief remembering that William told me he'd do that talking.

The person stood over the two of us and peered down at my eyes. I shuttered at the sudden eye contact. It was an older man who seemed to be between his 30-40s, and he had black hair. He wore a black tuxedo and had a dirty look on his face.

"Good evening, William." William looked up and gave him a glare before putting on a fake smile.

"Hello, Brian." He answered coldly.

"And who might this fine, young-lady be?" He smirked at me, while William looked at him with fury.

"This is my, girlfriend." You froze in shock, before letting out a nervous chuckle.

Brian grabbed your hand and kissed it. You quickly placed it back on the table when he finished. William looked angrier by the second.

"Did you need something?" William spoke up, whilst Brian stared at me.

"Just wondering how you pulled this, sweetheart." I looked away from the man and looked at William. His eyes burned with rage, and they had brightened the room.

"Excuse us." William grabbed your hand and pulled you up from the table. You let him carry you away into a less populated area. It was a hallway that led to the bathrooms.

"William, what the-" I pulled away from his grasp angrily.

"I can't stand that guy, Y/N. Please don't talk to him." He sighed, looking worried.

"Why not?"

"We have bad history, and he's not a good man. He breaks woman's hearts for fun, I'm not going to let him hurt you." He reached back out for my hands, and this time I accepted his hold. He held my hands gently as he looked into my eyes. He held a blank stare, as he watched my facial features. He seemed almost, mesmerized.

"Okay, I won't William. Thank you." I broke the silence, and he held a genuine smile.

"Y/N, I really do care about you. I know I didn't show it at first, but I just didn't want to get hurt again." I blushed and put a smile on my face. Williams eyes lit up.

"Me too. Thanks for always protecting me." I pulled William into a hug. A genuine hug. We held each other for minutes, as I felt his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. I didn't want to let go, and I could tell William didn't either.

After what seemed like forever, William parted from the hug. He grinned and looked at me.

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hand.

"Yes, but be warned..." he chuckled as he took me to the the dance floor. I didn't want this night to end...

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