Chapter 42: An Explanation

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I stg all of you lean comments are cracking me up rn. Anyways, sorry for the slow updates I've been working on other stories but I'm going to try and get back into daily uploads again....

Also please let me know in the comments below if you guys want some lemon chapters. I understand some of you might not like it but trust me, I see your comments. I know some of you want Aftussy 👀. Comment below your opinion.




"Yes." William sighed.

"William, I don't know what that is..." I could've sworn the spirits mentioned that to me before, but what was it?

"I know. It's probably better that you don't, love." William rubbed his temple.

"William, I need to know what you injected Elizabeth with." I answered sternly.

"Fine, but you'll probably regret asking."


I was in shock. Immorality? Why would he inject Elizabeth with such a thing? How dare he use Charlie's blood for experiments! It turns out, I did regret asking. I can't believe William would do such a thing...

"Darling, please say something..." William held my hands with his own.

"I don't know what to say, William. That's really fucked up." I wasn't sure if I was capable of loving this man anymore. He's done so many terrible things.

"I was desperate. It was the only thing I could think of that would save Elizabeth." His grip on my hands tightened.

"So...she just lives forever?" I closed my eyes.

"Her soul does. Not her body."

"So what happens when her heart stops beating?"

"Her soul stays on Earth. She will probably be placed inside my animatronics." William had previously told me the whereabouts of Charlie. She was inside one of the animatronics called 'Marionette.' It truly was sickening. He hadn't even told Henry about this. But then again, who would believe him?

"So is that how Charlie always speaks to us?" I was actually very angry that William hid this information from me. If he had told me sooner, I wouldn't of gotten so attached to him. It was probably his plan all along.

"Yes. Elizabeth cannot die, only by one thing..." I froze. So she wasn't really immortal..?

"Which is?"

"Fire. It melts the remnant out of their souls. Although, this can only happen once the body is dead." How would Elizabeth feel about all of this? Would she want to live forever or die right now? I wished William would've just let Elizabeth go...this fate seems far more worse and painful for her.

"So can Elizabeth die right now?"

"Her body can, her soul cannot." William sighed.

"I just don't understand why you decided to make remnant..." I glared at William. He seemed sickened by my statement.

"My mother, she had cancer. When I was in college, I wanted to find a cure for her. I studied for hours and hours until eventually I found something, remnant. Unfortunately, I was too late and my mother was gone. So I took it upon myself to inject her body with remnant to see the affects, and her soul came back in a second." William's eyes watered. I had no idea he had such a traumatic past.

"So what happened to her?" I gripped onto William's hands.

"She's inside Ballora. She possesses the animatronic." No wonder that robot was so detailed...

"I didn't expect my mother's soul to reactivate, I just was using it as a experiment. If I'd known, I would've stopped immediately."

" injected yourself with it..?" I hesitated to ask.

"Yes." He answered bluntly. William was immortal?! I had so many questions, but I failed to ask any of them.

"I regret all of it. Immortality is something I no longer wish to have. I'll be stuck on this planet as I watch all my loved ones wither away..." Tears started flowing down his face. I slowly wrapped my arms around his sobbing figure and pulled him into a tight hug. He didn't hesitate to hug back even tighter.

"Y/N...I don't...want to lose you." William sobbed.

"Me either. But it'll be okay. I'm glad you opened up to me." I tried comforting William, rubbing his back with my hand.

"Can you forgive me..?" William pulled away from our grasp. I wasn't even sure myself.
He had done the unspeakable, but I was too deep in the hole to leave now.


The two of us were now walking back to Elizabeth's room. The doctor were perplexed by Elizabeth's consciousness. She had apparently been dead for 7 hours and they even were about to start a biopsy. Of course, they had no idea what William had done but that was between us.

"Father, she'll be okay...right?" Michael hovered over Elizabeth's hospital bed.

"Yes, Mike. She's going to be fine." William have Michael a grin.

"Why don't I take you two down to the food court? You both must be hungry." I suggested to Michael and Chris. They both nodded their heads and William gave me a look of approval.

"Can the two of you wait outside for a moment? I want to speak to Y/N." William asked his children. They once again, nodded, and walked outside the room.

"I just want to thank you for everything, darling..."

"It's oka-" William interrupted.

"No, it's not. All I've proven is that I'm some heartless psychopath but that's not true. Im capable of love and I feel it with you. I promise I'll prove that I'm not a bad man, and I won't stop till you believe me." I was surprised by William's
speech. Did he just admit to loving me, again? Proving his love to me? I was blushing madly.

"I can't wait to see what you come up with.." I shot William a wink before walking out of the hospital room. I could feel William's large grin even though I was turned around.

Show me what you got, Afton.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now