Chapter 58: Goodbye

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This isn't the ending!!!

When William arrived home, he acted as if everything was normal. Which deeply disturbed me. The cops had literally walked in his own home just a few hours ago...why was this so normal to him?!

I shivered at the thought he was probably used to this.

"Is something wrong, love?" William called from the kitchen. He noticed my disturbed face as I slouched on the couch.

"Is something right? You're hiding from the police, you're using a fake identity, and you're being charged for murder! Why are you acting as if everything's okay?!"

Thankfully, the children were asleep so they were unable to hear me say that last part. William walked over to me and sat next to me on the couch, placing his hand over mine.

"Because I have you." William chuckled. I looked at him in utter confusion.

"I don't see how that fixes anything." I retorted.

"It doesn't fix anything, but it helps, you've helped. I honestly think I would've been a serial killer by now without you." William smirked as I still held a curious look on my face.

Was I really that important to him?

"Okay, but what about the police? What are we going to do to get them off our backs?"

Never thought I'd say that sentence in my life.

"Leave that to me. I don't want you getting more involved than you already are." William sighed as he lifted my hand and kissed it. It's a little too late for that.

"Fine. What are you going to do?" I sneered.

"I hate to say this but...I might have to leave again." My eyes widened in complete shock. He was seriously going to ditch us again?!

"What?!" I snapped, retracting my hand.

"I don't want this any more than you do, but it's for everyone's benefit! If I get caught in this house it won't end well for any of you!" William stood up and hovered over me with a stressful look.

"What if they're never off our backs?! Then what are you going to do? Abandon your children forever? Abandon me?" I stood up, placing my hands on my hips.

"They can't investigate forever. I'm just doing this till the case is put on hold, or they stop prying at you!"

"But what about your kids?! They were devastated and depressed when you left and they just got you back! How do you think they're going to feel about this?!" I jabbed my fingers into his chest, which he swiped away.

"They'll understand! I need you to understand! Please, Y/N, I'm only doing this to help all of you." William grabbed my shoulders and lightly shook me, earning a glare.

"Fine! Do it! But don't expect me to wait around for your return!" I hissed and stormed off, completely ignoring the hurt expression in his dimly lit eyes.

I made sure he slept in the guest bedroom that night.


"Is daddy really going away again?" Elizabeth whined as she chowed down her pancakes. The kids all looked upset, especially Michael, but he refused to say anything on the matter.

"Yes, I'm sorry Elizabeth. But he's only trying to protect you guys." I looked back at the three who did not take the news well.

As expected.

William came down moments later with a few backpacks. Most of them containing his clothes and gadgets he wanted to bring along. He ignored the sharp glares from me and the sad looks on his children's faces.

"Good morning, everyone." He smiled. Though, I could easily tell it was fake.

"Hi, daddy..." Elizabeth replied melancholy. William twitched at the tone but sat beside me anyway.

"Come on, let's just try and enjoy breakfast together, please." William glanced at me whilst saying this. I simply rolled my eyes and went along with it.

For the kids sake.

So that's exactly what we did. The five of us ate together and cracked jokes, as if everything was normal. But it's not, and it may never be.

About 30 minutes later, everyone finished their food. Reluctantly, William stood up from his chair and grabbed his bags. He headed for the front door and said his goodbyes to his children, who watched him with teary eyes.

"Love, can we please not end on terms like this? I don't want this to be the last memory I have of you." William whispered as the kids sat on the couch, watching cartoons.

"Don't say that. Don't say last memory." I struggled to fight back tears.

William took notice of this and pulled me into a hug. A hug I didn't want to leave, arms I just wanted to rest in forever. He kissed my forehead and clutched me tighter.

"I promise I will return, darling. I won't leave you." William muttered into my ear, still grasping my waist.

"You better, Afton. Or I'll find you and get payback." I sniffled and pulled away from his hug, making him chuckle.

"Y/N..." He grabbed my hand.

"I'm listening."

" you." Before I could respond, William grabbed my waist again and kissed me passionately. I opened my mouth and William took this as a chance to connect our lips. His lips danced with mine as he battled for dominance....which he easily obtained.

He pulled away when I finally needed to breath, ignoring the fake 'puking' we got from the three little Afton's.

"You never give me a chance to respond!" I playfully punched his arm, making him laugh, "William, I love you too...and I will wait for you."

He smiled brightly at this, something I hadn't seen recently. Which brought a smile to my own face. William cupped the left side of my cheek and kissed my right.

"Don't forget me, love. Because I certainly won't forget you." He called, opening the front door.

"I won't William, I won't."

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now