Chapter 2: First Day on the Job

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When I opened my eyes, the only thing I felt was dread. I have to be with William, ALL day. I still got the sensation that something wasn't right about that man, he also just seemed like a really strange guy. Sure he was attractive, but something about him just didn't give me good vibes.

I got dressed wearing that stupid, purple uniform, with some black jeans. I put my hair up to keep it out of my face, and headed to the car. When I got into my car it didn't turn on. This can't be happening. It was already 5:15 AM, and if my car wouldn't start I was going to be late. I tried 3 more times and it still didn't work. I would call Henry but he's probably busy right now. I looked up how far of a walk it was and it was supposedly 35 minutes. Better than not showing up at all. I stepped out of the car extremely frustrated and started walking.


It was 5:54 AM when I had arrived. I felt exhausted and my day hadn't even started yet! And I know the children were going to be very loud and annoying. I just hoped that William makes my day easy and it goes by faster than I think.

My hope was diminished when I walked in,  my eyes immediately fell onto William. I thought he wanted to meet me in his office? He was right near the counter. It looked like he was drinking either coffee or tea and was looking down at some sort of newspaper. He heard the door open and his head jolted up with alertness. I rolled my eyes as he got up from where he was sitting and walked over to me.

I think he noticed I didn't drive here because he glanced behind me and then looked at me with blatant confusion.

"Where is your car?" His eyes darted hack and forth between me and the parking lot.

"My car broke down. I walked." I was trying my best to give him a 'I don't wanna talk' look.

He didn't take the hint.

"Ah, yes. I forgot you don't live too far from here..." his face shifted like he was in deep thought. I jumped at his creepy statement, giving him a fearful-glare.

How does he know where I live..?

" do you know where I-"

"Never mind that. Let's start preparing for the parties today. We have 2 and we need to set up the tables." He gestured for me to follow him. I hesitated with all of the red flags he was giving me.

This dude is really creepy. How did he know where I live? Maybe it was on my resume? I cautiously followed behind him. He started talking about the place for a while and gave me the official 'tour'. He seemed really passionate about this place but it didn't distract me from my anxious feelings I had.

After a while we finally started working and put the party favors on the tables. It took about an hour to set everything up, but once we finished he told me I could have a break. Willfully, I walked into one of the break rooms and went on my phone to calm myself. I really didn't want to be near him.

My relief went away, as a few minutes later William walked in and went towards the coffee machine. Can't he just leave me alone for 10 minutes?! I was getting paranoid. I just felt like he was following me everywhere.

"Y/N, my kids will be coming today, my wif-, ex wife, will be dropping them off here. When that happens I'll try and help you as best I can, but my kids aren't very well behaved and will need a lot of attention." Absolutely flabbergasted, I studied him to try and detect any lie. He was serious. And I actually couldn't believe he had three children. Who the hell found this man worthy of having that many kids with.

"Okay, that's fine. I can clean up the party stuff." I hope his kids aren't as weird as him. I shrugged away the thought. It was judgmental and nasty. I shouldn't be this picky towards a few kids.

"Thank you. I'm sure you'd get along great with them." His eyes brightened as he spoke and I leaned back in my chair. I didn't have any intentions with befriending his children.

"Yeah, maybe. How old are they?"

"I have 3. My oldest is 13. My daughter is 8, and my youngest is 6." Again, I just thought back to the poor ex-wife. I looked up at William as he held his stupid, fake smile. No wonder that marriage didn't last.

"So you have two boys and one girl?" I tried my best not to sound perturbed, but I couldn't help myself. He just didn't seem like the kind of man who had children. He didn't seem like the kind of man to do anything happy and light-hearted.

"Yes, a good family. Although, my wife isn't in the picture anymore..." He smirked at me, his tone flirtatious. I don't think my day could get any wilder.

"Oh please. I'm just surprised anyone would date you, never mind marry and have kids with you!" I laughed at him, slapping my hands onto my thigh. He didn't seem to take my mockery too well, as his smirk faded and his brows furrowed into a sharp angered expression.

"You'd be surprised how many people throw themselves at me Y/N. I'm surprised you haven't." Throw themselves? I tried my best to not laugh at him a second time. I didn't want to get stuck cleaning the bathrooms.

"Yeah, no thanks, Afton. I'd rather rot than throw myself at you." He sipped his coffee and gave me a soft, peaceful, sort of look.

"Whatever you say, love. Breaks over though. Let's go." I groaned. I wasted my break talking to this guy!

We went back outside to the main entrance and he flipped the open/closed sign. No one entered for the first 20 minutes, but the place slowly started piling up with children and stressful parents. I knew today was going to be a very long day. Especially with this womanizer flirting with me.


It was now 3:32 PM. I basically spent the whole day cleaning up after the messy children who ran around carelessly. Surprisingly, William came out in a bunny suit at around 1 PM to talk to the kids, they seemed to love him. But I cleaned and watched him in disgust. How could anyone feel joy with that man? I continued cleaning tables and watching kids, until I saw a genuinely beautiful women walk in with 3 kids. She had gorgeous blonde hair, green eyes, and she was built perfectly with a full face of makeup. I knew right away that was the ex-wife. How did William get someone like her?

William walked over to the women and her smile faded into a dirty look. I observed from the corner. William took the 3 children and the women left shortly after. They didn't seem to say much to each other. I looked away and got back to work, but shortly after I saw someone hugging my leg. The child looked young. He had brown messy hair, blue eyes, and a younger face similar to Williams. I was really hoping this wasn't his child but I looked up and saw William standing there with his other two children, grinning at me.

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