Chapter 22: Special Plan

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It had now reached 7 PM. The day went as expected, the usual children running around, and now I had to prepare myself for Williams. I felt pretty uncomfortable, after him flirting earlier, and him threatening to break in again. I felt as if I had little control, and it worried me, but for some reason I trust William. I felt as if he wouldn't hurt me. Even though he's given me every reason to not trust him. Just as I was in deep in thought, a large hand firmly grasped my shoulder.

"You ready to go, dear?" William spoke, as I turned around to face him.

"Yep! Are the kids still here?"

"Yes, they're in the car." William said as he walked over to the exit. I quickly followed behind him.

William, as usual opened the car door for me and I accepted, gratefully. The children all put smiles on their faces as they saw me enter the car.

"Miss Y/N! Are you excited for dinner?" Elizabeth let out a giggle.

"Of course! I love spending time with you guys." Michael perked up from this, even he had a smirk on his face, a genuine one.

"Yeah, but daddy has something special for to-" As William entered the other side, Elizabeth shut her mouth quickly, like she had to hide something. Curiosity got the best of me, but I assumed it was child imagination. What could he possibly have planned for dinner anyway? I shrugged off the thought, and began talking with the kids.

The car ride consisted of talking about unicorns. The children argued over their existence, whilst I laughed. William seemed to be acting quite strange, though. Which only brought my mind back to what Elizabeth said earlier.

About 15 minutes later we pulled into the Afton household and the children rushed in. As I was about to follow behind them I felt a tug on my wrist, I expected it to be William, but it was none other than Michael.

"Hey Y/N?"

"Yes, Michael?"

"Did you really mean what you said earlier..?" He asked half worried.

"Of course I did Michael. I'll always be here if you need me." He put a smile on his face.

"Thanks, Y/N, but you should prepare yourself for tonight." He giggled.

"What? Why?" So it wasn't made up...

"My father said he had a surprise for you." Maybe he just meant sneaking in my house again.

"Which is?"

"I can't tell you!" He let out a laugh before walking inside. I trailed behind him.

William made chicken for dinner. I was shocked he was such a good cook, but I assumed it was from Clara being such a absent mother, but the food was too good to dwell on. We goofed around the whole time and it felt really good to be around this family. I don't know why, but something about them just brightened my day. Even Michael was starting to show affection, which was hard. After the dinner, the kids went downstairs to watch TV, and I helped William clean up.

"Did you enjoy dinner, darling?" William asked while cleaning the dishes.

"Yes! I didn't expect you to be such a good cook." William let out a chuckle.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I rolled my eyes and continued cleaning.

There was a moment a silence, Williams eyes stared at my figure. He seemed to be contemplating something. I continued to clean, trying to ignore his gaze, but his eyes lit up. I tried to ignore it, but he just kept eyes on me for minutes, as I was about to ask, William took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Y/N, can I take you out tonight?" He asked in a almost, insecure tone? I didn't think much of his question. He probably just wanted to get away from his kids.

"Sure, what did you have in mind?" I shifted my body towards him, finally staring back. I noticed he looked very nervous. Unusual, for his personality. He didn't seem to be his normal self.

"It's a surprise." His posture returned back to a confident look, as he gave me a sly smirk.

"Okay, but what about the kids?"

"They'll be fine. It's nearly their bedtime and Michael can tuck them in." Michael was old enough to do that, so I agreed.

"Okay. When do you want to go?" He smirked.

"I'll be ready in 20 minutes." He walked over to his bathroom and shut the door. I put a confused look on my face, as I walked over to join the kids in watching cartoons.

"Hey Y/N." Michael chimed in. The kids were half asleep.

"Hey Michael, do you think I should put the kids to bed?" We chuckled as we looked over to see the other two sound asleep.

"I can do it. They're asleep anyway, they won't notice." Michael picked up the two of them and went upstairs. I brought my attention back to the tv, and waited for Michael.

When I heard footsteps I expected it was Michael coming back, but it was William coming downstairs. Surprisingly, William was dressed pretty fancy. He had a white dress shirt, with a loose tie, and black dress pants. His hair was combed and actually, brushed? I had never seen his hair this neat before, and I couldn't help but find it cute.

"I don't think I've ever seen your hair this nice before." I chuckled and he smirked.

"Oh you'll see why soon, darling." I raised a brow as William laughed.

"We're going somewhere fancy, so I have something for you upstairs." He gestured for me to go upstairs so I did as told. When I entered his room I found a tight-fitting, shiny, black dress, laying on his bed. Where were we going..?

I put the dress on and brushed my hair. I let two strands dangle in front while the rest of my hair was behind me. I went downstairs and found William looking stunned, maybe even, flustered.

"Wow. I guess Elizabeth chose the right dress." He looked mesmerized and I couldn't help but blush. I think I might've seen him blushing as well.

"You went dress shopping with Elizabeth?" I smiled, as he continued to look me up and down.

"Ye-yes." Did he just stutter?

"How come?"

"For our date, of course, love. Let's go." Date?

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