Chapter 19: Breaking and Entering

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"W-what?" I froze. Was I really the cause of the end of their marriage?

"William has been talking about you, a lot. Clara knows about you and how your always with their kids. Clara didn't like this, and they fought about you for hours, until William told her they were through." I felt awful. I probably just ruined the kids chances of ever having a normal family. I was on the verge of crying, but I didn't want to tear up in front of Henry.

"Henry, do you know any more? What were they saying?" I was hoping I could get an answer to this question, but I know William likes to keep to himself.

"No. All I know is Clara told William you two can't see each other, or the kids, and William flipped out on her." I knew Clara wasn't the best person, I remember William telling me about her sleeping with other men, but I still felt awful. I didn't want to be the cause of this.

"I feel terrible. I didn't want to break up their marriage..."

"Y/N, their marriage was already over before you even met William. She wasn't so innocent herself." Henry reassured me.

Just as I was about to speak up, Henry's phone rang and he picked up. I could hear a female voice over the phone and I assumed it was his wife, considering how they were addressing each other.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I have to go back home. My wife and I are going on a date tonight." I grinned, I was glad at least Henry had a stable marriage.

"No problem. Have fun, Henry." He got up and headed towards the door.

"Thanks, Y/N. I'll be sure to check in again soon." He smiled and walked out the door. My thoughts then shifted back to William. What would he even have to say about me anyway? I was just his co-worker, right? I knew I was probably considered more than that, after all I've done with him and his kids, but it was a strange situation. I hadn't even known the man very long and I was already too involved. I sighed and put my attention back on the TV.

When it was around, 11:24 PM, I decided to head up to bed. It was difficult to get up the stairs but I managed. I put on sweatpants and a loose shirt and shut the lights off. As I shut my eyes, my thoughts wandered back to William again. I just couldn't stop thinking about this whole thing, I laid there for about 20 minutes before I finally fell asleep.

William POV (yesterday):
"Clara, I already told you I'm not doing that."

"I actually care for my children, Will. I'm not letting some slut put her hands on my kids!" Anger was flowing through my body. Oh, how badly I wanted to slit her throat, and hear her cries for help, as I watch her slowly bleed out, but I couldn't kill her. Not anymore.

"Y/N isn't a slut. She's been there for the kids unlike, you." I spat out the last part as coldly as possible.

"You have no evidence I even cheated on you!" Hilarious.

"Really? What about the constant men lying on my side of the bed when I get home from work?" She didn't seem to have an answer to that. I just wanted to get this over with, before I do something I might regret. I can't hold the thoughts for long, I need to get out of here. For some reason, the only person who helps my urges is Y/N. I haven't killed since I met her. That's a new record for me. I am going to visit her in the morning. She will calm me down. She always does.

Y/N POV (present):
For some reason, I woke up in the middle of the night around 2 AM. I usually wasn't one to wake up from my sleep, but I soon realized why I had woken up. A figure was sitting on a chair in my room. I flickered the lights on and screamed in shock, it was William.

"AH! What are you doing here?! How did you even get inside?!" I couldn't help but be disturbed. Was he just watching me sleep? He stood up from the chair and walked over to my bed. For a second, I thought I was in danger but he sat down on my bed and sighed. I should cut him some slack. He just had a divorce.

"Your door was unlocked." I had sworn I locked it, like when William came in my house earlier, but I decided I would double check the door later.

"I needed to be with someone...I'm sorry for waking you up. I just didn't want to be alone right now." William looked down at the floor with a guilty expression. Did I wake up from him? Or was all of this a coincidence? If he didn't wake me up, was he just planning on watching me sleep? I shuttered at the thoughts and figured William probably woke me up, he wouldn't watch me sleep. Right?

"I understand. Has Clara spoken to you since?" Williams eyes shifted from the floor and towards me. His eyes were dull, not bright like usual. He looked very tired as well. I started to pity the man, even though he broke in my house.

"No. I don't plan on even seeing her again. She didn't even fight for custody of the children. She left for another state after our divorce." I felt terrible for the kids. They had such a bad mother figure, no wonder they were so eager towards me.

"I hate to say it, but maybe it's for the better. From what I heard she doesn't sound like the best wife or mother figure anyway." William perked up from this and I could tell he was planning something.

"Mhm, the kids aren't too upset about it. In fact, they were more concerned about you." He chuckled and my body warmed up.

"That's so sweet- wait a minute. Are we just not going to mention the fact that you broke in my house and probably broke multiple laws?" William let out another laugh and darted his eyes towards mine. He shifted his body as well. Both facing me, as I sat up in my bed, with him next to me.

"I did knock." We both together laughed shortly after. It was creepy, but I couldn't keep myself angry.

"Alright, you should probably go back to sleep. You're still injured." The laughter died down, but we both had grins on our faces.

"Okay, what about you? You just going to watch me sleep?" I chuckled and Williams grin went even wider.

A few seconds later, William walked over to the light switch and turned it off. I was confused at his intention but decided to go to sleep anyway. I laid down on my bed and shut my eyes. That was until, I felt movement next to me.

"What- William!" William was laying right next to me staring into my eyes. His eyes weren't dull anymore, in fact they lit up the room.

"Shh. I'm touch starved. Just go to sleep." Before I could answer William wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. I was blushing red, but the lights were off and he couldn't tell. I didn't protest and instead just let out a groan. He laughed back.

William started stroking my hair as I fell asleep in his arms. It was quite odd, but I couldn't help but feel, safe.

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