Chapter 50: Temptation

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Dave: You're an idiot.

Y/N: Rude.

Dave: I seriously don't understand how you haven't caught on.

Y/N: To what?

Dave: This is pointless.

Y/N: Shut it, Davester.

Dave: I prefer hot or charming.

I froze looking at my phone. Those words. They were William. Was this all coincidental? Or was Dave subtly hinting something? Either way, I didn't have time to dwell on it as my night shift had just begun and I needed to do chores.

As I watched over the animatronics I couldn't help but think about Dave. There was definitely something there, and also something very off. It's like he knew about William and I. But how? From what I know, William is declared dead! There's no way it could be him.



"Good morning, love." Dave greeted as he walked inside the staff room.

"Morning, Dave..." I wanted to question him about earlier, but I hesitated.

"Is something wrong, darling?" Dave's smirk faded as he noticed my dazed state.

"I'm not really sure...William."

"W-what?" He spat his coffee out. I broke into a fit of laughter.

"I'm kidding! It's just what you said earlier reminded me of him." Dave's eyes remained wide as i finally contained my giggles.

"Jeez, are you really that startled?"

"N-no. It just caught me off guard." Before I could interrogate more, Dave rushed out of the room. Very strange.

He certainly had been acting like William. The personalities were very much alike and so were their looks. There were a few subtle differences but other than that...I could see no difference.

I knew it couldn't possible be Vincent, he was dead. But could William be a possibility? If so, why would he hide himself from me? That would be idiotic. He would have no motive to do so.

I came to a conclusion, it definitely was not William Afton. Maybe, it was a cousin or something that was hiding information from me but there's no way it was my William. Ew, did I really just say that?

Groaning, I sat up from my chair and decided to get to work for the day. I was too lazy to do my chores earlier and I knew Henry would be on my ass if I didn't, even more so, Dave.

He still acts like the boss around here. Which is very aggravating. He needs to be put in his place, I am basically the co-owner and he can't be telling me what to do. I just think his ego is too high from when Henry gave him that raise. Well, time to change that.

I was determined to give Dave a hell of a morning. First, I made him wash all the dirty uniforms. Which was hilarious to see his scrunched face! Next, he had to clean all the old animatronics...even that gross spring lock suit. That wasn't as disturbing to him, but the worst part was when I assigned him to clean the puke on the floor. I think that's when he lost it.

"Do you seriously believe I'm going to do this?!" He growled. The two of us were in the locker room as I handed him a mop. He did not take it gratefully.

"I'm the boss around here, Dave." I smirked.

"Well, I'm the boss in bed and you don't see me marching around saying it." My face dropped in disgust. Dave let out a chuckle at my reaction as I backed away slowly.

"Way too much information." I sighed, rubbing my temple.

"I could do worse than that, love~" His voice was low...but seductive. I was so focused on it that I failed to notice me being pinned to the wall. I hid my blush as Dave looked down at my lips.

"Uh...maybe you should clean that puke now." I internally pleaded him to get off me. He simply smirked and leaned in closer.

"I had other things in mind..." Someone save me. As hot as this man was, I barely knew him! I really wanted to run but he had me trapped. Just as his lips grazed mine, my savior, Nick walked in.

"Woah! Am I interrupting something?" Thank the gods...

When Dave was distracted I lightly shoved him off me and walked towards Nick. I'd thank him for that later. Dave rolled his eyes as he got into a more manly stance.

"Nope. Dave, clean the floors, would you?" With growling, he finally picked the damn mop up and walked out of the room. I was thankful that heated moment was finally over.

"Seriously, Y/N. Already trying to fuck him?" Nick sighed in disappointment. I was quick to deny that.

"What?! No! I don't know what he was doing but it surely wasn't that!" I stammered.

"Yeah, sure. You certainly have your way with men, huh?" He chuckled as I shot daggers.

"Shut up and get to work." I grumbled. Nick laughed as he walked out of the locker room. I made sure to calm myself before I did the same, and to also avoid Dave for that whole day.

To my luck, I was able to do so. Dave was occupied with cleaning and mechanics for the most part and when he wasn't, I made sure to hide myself.

It was now closing time and I had just gotten my things from the locker room. As I made my way to the exit I was stopped by a tug on my wrist. I knew that was Dave's.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Fortunately, yes." I glared.

"Well, I'd like to continue what I started..." As I blinked, I noticed Dave yet again, pinned me back into a wall. This time, we were out in the open. Thankfully, the place was closed. But...oh shit.

"Dave! No-"

"Shh. Just enjoy it, love." Dave cooed as he leaned in closer. I was about to give in when I heard a cough from behind us.

"Get off each other!" Henry yelled furiously.


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