Chapter 15: Springlocked

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It's been two days since I encountered William drunk. The next morning was pretty quiet and we drove to the pizzeria in silence. Ever since, William hasn't left his office, and I've barely seen him. When we do see each other it's usually an awkward glance. I missed him. I was curious as to why he kept distancing himself, I know he spat out a lot of strange things when he was drunk, but this was way worse than I imagined.

"Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?" It was Henry. He was standing outside of his office gesturing me to come inside. I obeyed.

I sat down to the seat parallel to his across the table and he gave me a guilty stare.

"I'm sorry to put this on you Y/N, but we need someone to go inside SpringBonnie and William is no where in site." I was curious to where William could be but I shrugged it off, I was holding a grudge for him not speaking to me.

"Okay, but I've never been inside one before. Although I remember you teaching my father." I gave Henry a light chuckle and the worry on his face disappeared.

"I know, you should be all set. The show is at 3 so be ready." I nodded and walked out the door. The time was currently 2:37 PM. I decided to get inside the SpringBonnie costume now, in case I had trouble.

I walked into the backrooms and memories came flushing back. Was that murderer inside this suit? I shivered at the thought and I hoped there were multiple animatronic costumes.

The first thing I did was put on the body, one by one it slowly attached to my body. I was pretty nervous doing this, I heard the dangers of these suits failing but I also heard to keep my breath steady or else they're more likely to fail.

So far the everything was on besides the head. I was going to reach for the head but I heard something absolutely terrifying.


That can't mean anything good.


I began to worry and panic. My heart rate grew faster as I realized what the clicks meant. I hurried to try and get the suit off of me, but it was stuck. The spring locks were now touching my skin and every second that passed by, they grew closer.


I screamed for help. From a distance I could hear someone walking, I kept screaming in hopes they could hear me, but my shrieks were cut short by a...


Something pinched my leg. I screeched in pain. The door opened and I collapsed to the floor. A figure was standing over me, as I gurgled over my blood. One by one, the spring locks went off and caused insufferable pain. The figure began to attempt to get the suit off of me, and succeeded. Unfortunately, wounds were all over my body and I hissed in pain. The lights were fading and I thought this was the end for me, but the only thing that hadn't left me was my hearing.

"HENRY CALL 911." The panicked voice said holding my bleeding body.

"Im so sorry Y/N. I thought it would be okay-" the other voice was interrupted.

"You should've called for me Henry. Y/N doesn't know how to work a Springlock suit!" I assumed the voice was Williams as I slipped in and out of consciousness.

"I couldn't find you, Will. The show was starting soon!" Henry said as he dialed 911.

What I assumed to be William, held onto me tight. He was applying pressure to all my wounds. I couldn't imagine what it would've felt like if I had the head on. Everything slowly faded away as I took my final look at my surroundings, before I passed out.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now