Chapter 39: On the Run

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Tomorrow was the first night for my new night shift. William has been continuously reminding me to stay on the right track and not wander, but I can't help but wonder why he's being to cautious. The thought sends shivers down my spine, could he be getting warnings from the spirits? The question hasn't left my brain all week but I knew William wouldn't answer if I asked.

"Love, I'm going to drop the kids off at school. I'll be back in an hour." William bent down to kiss my forehead and then left with the kids. It's strange, we've been acting like a couple but we aren't one. He's never made it official, and a part of my heart aches from that.

I decided I would take a ride over to my apartment since I hadn't been there in a few days. William often convinces me to stay the night at his, which I sadly fall for, but since he's not here I think I'm going to try and grab some stuff from my house to bring over.

As I was driving, the spirits not only were speaking to me but were visible. Hearing their voices in my head was normal, but they rarely make themselves visible unless something is important. I hadn't seen them since Chris's incident and the scooper warning. I quickly pulled over my car and shifted my attention to the spirits. Yet, they stayed silent.

"Well? What do you want?!" I almost said too loudly.


I stared back at Charlie and she stared back at me. Her soulless black eyes were enough to make me shiver but I had grown used to them over time.

"Why do you choose to stay with him?"

Now this took me by surprise. I had never really thought about how this would effect any victims William's murdered, which probably is why I was made a target for the haunting. This could all be fixed so easily if I just never spoke to William again, but I knew I couldn't bring myself to do that.

"I'm sorry..."

"He killed me." Charlie spoke, heartbroken, but her sadness quickly turned into anger.

"You will not be spared. You will not be saved. You're just like us. He will not have mercy." The spirit screeched back at me.

"Your blinded love will cause your inevitable death."

"And you will feel my wrath when you become one of us." And just like that, Charlie and the other spirits disappeared. I noticed the other spirits had faded slightly and are more transparent but still exist. I thought saving Chris would stop him..? But more thoughts were on my mind rather than their existence. Was Willing still planning on killing me? Am I being manipulated? Is he leading me into a trap? Just like that, my breathing had quickened and intensified and I started to give myself a panic attack. I clutched onto my chest as things started to blur and I shut my eyes into darkness.


When I woke up, I realized I was still inside my car. I had no idea what time it was but it was pitch black outside. I had left in the morning so that means I must've been out the whole day. My phone was dead so I'm not able to contact William but I'm not sure if I even want to. I was probably right about him all along...

Sighing, I turned my car back on and drove off. I decided I wasn't going to go back to William's place. I knew I was going to worry about his children but he's been treating them better so they should be fine, right?


I ignored the spirit and decided to stay at a motel for the night. William knew how to get into my house so that wasn't the best idea, and if I stayed at Henry's I'm sure he would've mentioned it to William. I had enough money for one night but I would have to go back to my house to get more money for a long term plan. Once I reached the motel, I went to the front desk and bought myself a room for the night.

What am I doing? I have a life to get back to, but it's not safe...I can't just leave them behind, but I don't want to put myself in danger. Are his kids going to be okay? What did the spirit mean...I was having a constant mind battle with myself as I hesitantly opened the door to my room and entered.

It was your typical motel room. Not sanitary, but it would have to do. I was hoping William wasn't going absolutely psycho but my hopes were low. He is a murderer after all.

I was still pretty tired from earlier so I walked over to my 'bed' and shut the lights off. My mind kept going back to the situation in the car and I couldn't seem to put myself at ease.

"Bystanders like you don't deserve peace."

"You made a horrible choice."

"Your painful fate is near."

They kept ringing in my ears as the spirits continued to taunt me. I constantly turned in my  sheets, I can't take much more of this.

"Please, just leave me alone..." I muttered out weakly.

"We provide the same mercy he had on us."

I tried to block them out by covering my head with a pillow but it didn't work. It had never been this bad before, now I could understand how William went crazy. I wouldn't be able to control myself if I was constantly being haunted like this.

"GO AWAY." I demanded.

"Elizabeth is next."

What?! I sprang up from the bed. The spirits went silent and I only assumed they had finally left me alone. I couldn't leave Elizabeth at home with her psychotic father. Not after those warnings, is that bastard really going to kill his daughter? I grabbed my keys and made my way to my car.

I'm coming, Elizabeth.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now