Chapter 33: Discharged, again.

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It's been a few days since Chris has been awake. Although, not much has happened during that time. William seems to be in a better mood and I thought I even heard him apologize to Michael for his behavior. I'm getting discharged from the hospital today but Chris has to stay longer. Part of me wishes to leave when he leaves, but I know that take a while.

I sat up from the hospital bed and started gathering all my belongings. Just as I was about to finish, a figure opened the door and approached me calmly, William.

"You've certainly been to the hospital quite a bit recently, love." William chuckled, and his remark made me remember the horrific Springlock incident just weeks ago.

"Yeah...hopefully not again anytime soon." I gazed off into the distance. William sat down on the bed next to me, giving me a sympathetic look.

"How's Chris?" I asked, trying to avoid the depressing face William held.

"He's better, still is having trouble walking." William sighed.

"He's missed you." William added. I averted my gaze to him, in shock.

"R-really?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, he feels bad about your arm...and he's said multiple times how he wanted to visit you." A smile came upon my face when hearing the news. I was glad to hear Chris missed me, even though I didn't exactly know why.

"I'll make sure to visit him then." I smirked.

"No, you have to rest first." William said sternly, I groaned in reply.

"It's just my arm, William." I answered in a bored tone.

"An arm that needs to heal." He added. I rolled my eyes and decided to change the topic.

"Did the nurse say if I was good to leave or not?"

"Yeah, I'll take you home." Before I could protest, William grabbed my belongings and gestured me to follow him. I sighed and did as asked. Not like I have a car here anyway.


The car ride home was a comfortable silence. William knew I would be tired, and I knew William wasn't one for small talk. Although, there were many things that we needed to discuss, both of us pushed the unwanted conversation away and tried enjoying the silence.

About 20 minutes later, William pulled into my driveway. I opened my eyes and brought my left arm over to open the car door, only to see William already opening it for me. I chuckled at the sight. William took notice to this and gave me a snarky remark.

"Aren't I just so, charming?" He said the last part in a girly tone, clearly mimicking me. I gave him a disgusted glare in response, to which he chuckled at.

William opened the door to my home, and I gratefully let him. He took my belongings to my room, which somehow reminded me of the time he broke into my house. I shivered at the thought, before shoving it away. He's just helping you. I reassured myself, still subtly creeped out by his presence. As if on que, William came back downstairs to see my uneasy face.

"Something wrong, darling?" He walked over to me, I scrambled to come up with a excuse.

"Just my arm..." I replied hesitantly. William sighed before gesturing me to sit down on the couch, I obeyed. He walked away which had me confused, until he came back with a first-aid kit.

"We need to replace those bandages, anyway." William approached my figure and started taking off the bandages wrapped around my arms. Both of us looked at my arm in awe, examining the scars the bear had left.

"I'm so sorry, love." William looked at me apologetically.

"It's not your fault, William." I reassured him.

"They're my robots." He sighed, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You didn't make them bite me." I giggled, and he held a quick-grin on his face.

He sighed once again before taking my arm and gently replacing the bandages. I was amazed at how careful he was. He was treating my arm as if it were some delicate masterpiece. I blushed slightly at his gentleness. Before shifting my gaze back towards my arm, which was now covered in new bandages.

"Thanks, William." I smiled. His eyes glowed at the statement.

"Anytime, love. I'm going to check on Chris, I'll be back in a few hours, alright?" He asked calmly.

"Okay, tell Chris I miss him." I yelped before he walked out the door, he nodded in response and shut the door behind him. I let out a deep breathe and shifted my gaze onto my tv. Bored, I turned it on and watched cartoons, awaiting Williams return.


It had now been a few hours and it was getting pretty late. Tiredly, I closed my eyes and decided to sleep on the couch. I was too exhausted to reach my bedroom and I didn't feel like moving. I laid down and let my exhaustion take over.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a door unlock. It was enough to make my ears perk up, but I was too dazed to wake myself up. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and the floor being taken from me. I didn't put up a fight and rather muzzled into the figure. Shortly after, I felt a familiar feeling, I was on my bed. As I was about to reach for blankets a figure smothered me with them and tucked me in. I cuddled further into the warmth of the blankets and fell asleep. The last thing I felt was a peck on my forehead before drifting off to a deep slumber.

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