Chapter 29: Explaination

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"William...I-" I couldn't manage to finish my sentence. I didn't want to tell William about my previous encounter, especially since it involved his son, but William kept piercing at me with his glowing silver eyes and I knew he would drain the truth from me. He sat down on the bed and continued to gaze at me.

"What did they tell you?" He asked seeming very concerned.

"They warned me about Chris..." for a moment, William almost looked relieved, but that couldn't be true, right? Why would he be relieved...?

"What'd they say?" William asked calmly. I was slightly shocked at how well he handled the situation. I was still beyond terrified at what had just happened, how is he so calm?

"They told me to keep an eye on him, or else..." I really didn't want to finish that sentence.

"Or else, what?" He questioned bitterly.

"I don't know if I should tell you. They might not want me to." That was the honest truth, although, in reality I just didn't want to scare William.

"Very well, but I don't understand how you see them..." He seemed to be lost in thought. I, however, wanted to know how he sees them.

"I could say the same for you." William looked up from his lost gaze and gave me a blank stare, soon after turning into a guilty expression.

"It's a long story..."

"I have time." I said in a more demanding tone.

"Besides, what even are they?" I knew William would know more about the situation than I, because he seemed to have been experiencing this longer than I have.

"They are spirits of dead children." He blurt out. My eyes widened in horror and shock.

"So, um, why are they here..?" I asked nervously.

"They died at Freddy's..." how have I not known this? I looked at William, who sighed in a stressful way. He seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me as he was now peering down at the floor boards.

"I still don't understand, William." I tried gathering myself together, with a more harsh tone, but failed.

"To put it in simpler terms, they haunt Freddy's, but not always in a bad way. Like how they tried to warn you." Haunt Freddy's? Why would they be haunting Freddy's? I never truly believed in ghosts, but I definitely did now. Although, I couldn't comprehend exactly what William was saying. I still had so many questions.

"William they also said something else..." he perked up from the statement, holding a worried look on his face.

"What was it?"

"They said if Chris dies, It'll be the cause of their existence..." I spat out anxiously. William looked at me intently, as if he was trying to comprehend the situation.

"Yes, they've said that to me as well." Why hadn't William ever mentioned any of this? Part of me was angry, but the other half was scared. I was fearful of Freddy's and what lurks in it, but also angry as to why William wouldn't of brought this up at work.

"Can I have details?" I asked annoyed. William rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.

""They don't exist, yet. They are from the future. Supposedly, something bad happens to Chris and they get murdered shortly after. There's only one spirit that's real, which is the one that was in front of the others..." he paused for a moment. William seemed very stressed about the whole situation.

"Her name is Charlie. She died at Freddy's. That is Henry's daughter. The rest are from the future." Henry had a daughter? Surely I would've father and him were so close! I was gathering all the information William had told me, but one thing stood out from the rest. Why would Chris's death cause a mass murder? I then, looked up from the floor in horror. Would William m-murder those children?

I tried to keep ahold of myself so William wouldn't know, I now feared him. Did he have anything to do with Charlie's death? Have I been spending my time with a murderer? I tried to get rid of these thoughts but they kept coming back. I realized I hadn't yet replied to William and looked back at him, only for him to already be staring at me.

"What happened to Charlie..?" I asked fearing the answer. William held a blank look on his face, which only made me more scared.

"She was murdered at Freddy's a few years ago. Henry never really got over the death, but he still has Sammy, for now." I shivered at the last part. What could he have meant by that?

"F-for now..?" I stuttered.

"Yes, if the children get murdered, his other son, Sammy, would be a victim. He's one of the children that came to you." I sat deep in thought for a moment. Maybe Henry was the murderer? No. I knew Henry couldn't hurt a fly. Besides, he wouldn't murder his own children, right?

"I'm sorry this must be a lot to take in, darling." William sighed heavily, placing his hand on my shoulder. I looked back at him, hiding my terror.

"Y-yeah, it is. I never believed in anything like this..." I froze, going back into thought.

"William, we need to make sure Chris is okay tomorrow." I began shortly after, William looked up at me and gave me a reassuring nod. Holding a sympathetic smile on his face.

"I agree, don't worry, love. Nothing will happen." I slowly calmed myself down, and shut my mind off. Trying my best to not think of the future, or of what William was capable of.

He wouldn't murder those children...would he?

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