Chapter 18: Homewrecker

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"Hi, Miss Y/N! I missed you. " Elizabeth came running in from behind William.

"Hey Elizabeth, I missed you too." I chuckled and Elizabeth came to sit next to me on the couch.

The other two children popped up from behind William and stared at me. Before I could say anything Micheal spoke up.

"So, like, can you walk?"

"Yeah, but I can't go very far." Micheal looked down at the floor, which brought my attention towards William. He was dressed nicely. He had a white dress shirt on, with black dress pants. His hair was still messy, though, but at least he tried.

"Did the doctors say if you needed someone to take care of you..?" William finally spoke up. I was a bit surprised, he seemed to have been unusually quiet today, but I shrugged it off, and assumed it was about Clara.

"They said that I should be fine on my own, but if I can't walk I should call someone." William looked disappointed but I couldn't figure out why.

"Okay darling, If you need anything you can call me." I nodded my head. William seemed to be in a strange mood today.

After about an hour of spending time with William and his kids. He decided it was time for them to go home. Micheal had homework and he wanted me to rest. I was tired so I didn't resist. It was fun to hang out with them, but William wasn't talking as much as he usually was...

"Hey Micheal, can you take Chris and Elizabeth to the car? I'll be there in a minute." Micheal nodded his head and grabbed the other two. They said their goodbyes to me and walked out the door, but William stayed put. He was currently standing over me, with a disturbed look over his face. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me. It was very unusual.

"Sorry I couldn't pick you up yesterday, I had to go to court with Clara..." court?

"If you don't mind me asking, why..?" His eyes had finally met mine. They looked different. Almost, brighter.

"Well, I may have lied about Clara being my ex-wife. She wasn't at the time, but I considered her one. We got divorced officially yesterday." Why did he lie to me about that? I was slightly angry with him, but I knew he was probably going through difficult times, and tried to push my anger aside.

"I'm sorry William, this must be hard for you. You guys have 3 kids..." my voice trailed off, and I was consumed in my own thoughts. Why is William like this towards me? He was married.

"We've been separated for a while, I just never had the desire to divorce her until recently..." what was that supposed to mean?

"Are the kids upset?" I asked trying to change the subject. I didn't know what to make out of what he just said.

"Micheal is. The other two are too young to understand, but he's taking it better than I would've thought." I was glad they were okay, but I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to know why they suddenly got divorced, but I was too afraid to ask. I didn't want to push, after all, I haven't known William for long, and I still didn't completely trust him.

The silence was broken by a knock on the door. I sat up and prepared myself for whoever was about to enter. It was Henry. He seemed just as surprised to see William, as William was to see him.

"Hey Y/N, hey Will. I just wanted to check in on you. How are you feeling?" William shot Henry a glare, but Henry paid no attention to it.

"I'm feeling a little better, but I still can't walk far." I answered honestly.

Henry put his head down. I could tell he felt guilty by the whole situation, and William blaming him was no help.

"Again, I'm so sorry. If I knew this was going to happen I never would've set you up in this." His voice was so close to cracking.

"It's okay, Henry. You didn't know, and besides the doctor said I'll be fine." William looked at Henry with his eyebrows furrowed. I was hoping he wouldn't speak up.

"I'm going to get going. It's getting late. I'll stop by tomorrow, goodnight, love." William spoke up. Before I could say anything back, he rushed out the door and slammed it behind him. I didn't understand his anger, after all, I was the one who got springlocked.

"Is William mad at me?" I said in a insecure tone. Henry shot his head up and gave me a confused look.

"What? No! He's mad at me."

"Why is he mad at you?" I was really hoping I could finally get a answer.

"He blames me for the accident. Which is valid, but maybe it has something to do with Clara. They got divorced yesterday."

"Yeah he told me..." I mumbled just loud enough for Henry to hear.

"Oh, so he told why." Henry said in a awkward tone.

"No?" Was there something to this that I don't know?

"He didn't tell you why he got divorced? That's like the most important part..." his voice trailed off.

"No. Why did they?" I was dying to know.

"Because of you."

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