Chapter 44: Guess Who's Back

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"WILLIAM! What the fuck?!" I screamed over the corpse laying on the floor.

"It's for the better, Y/N. He was a threat to us." William placed his gun back inside his pocket.

"When did you have the time to grab a gun...?" I hesitated, not sure if I wanted the answer.

"I grabbed it before we left the house. I always keep one on me." William sighed, the two of us glancing at Vincent bleeding out on the floor. I had never seen anything more gruesome.

It was actually scary to see Vincent like this. I had gotten used to the gore but it just scared me because he looked so much like William. If he weren't beside me I would've assumed it was him. 

"What do we do with him?" I turned away from the sight.

"I'm experienced with this, I'll handle it." I gulped at his words. I had forgotten he was a murderer and seeing him like this only brought back more painful memories.

"I suggest you wait in the car. You don't want to see this, love." William bent down and grabbed onto Vincent's pale body.

"Alright..." I walked out Ballora's room. I was actually surprised no one had seen us or heard the gunshot. But maybe the walls were soundproof or something.

Still horrified, I walked to William's car paranoid. Vincent's dead body just kept replaying in my mind. He just looked too alike to William, and of course I'm not used to seeing dead bodies. Nor do I want to get used to it.

I'm actually slightly disappointed in William. I was hoping he wasn't going to murder again. I know Vincent isn't a good guy but we could've tried other things. He didn't have to die...

"You've doomed us all." Charlie spoke. She was invisible but I could sense her presence nearby.

"How so?" I questioned calmly. I was getting used to the sprits haunting me.

"Vincent is enraged. He won't have mercy." Charlie's voice was cold and harsh.
I didn't fully understand what she was suggesting, but I only took it as a warning and to stay on guard.

"How would you know?" I spoke to the thin air.

"Because he's not dead." The voice grew faint and I could only assume she had left. But what she said couldn't of been true. I saw his body go limp. I saw him bleed to death and collapse onto the ground. Unless...

I gasped. I need to reach William as soon as possible before he gets hurt. I quickly scrambled out the passenger seat and sprinted inside Circus Baby's.

I went back inside towards Ballora's room in hopes that William would be where I left him.
But when I entered, neither Vincent or William were there to greet me.

It was an uncomfortable silence. Her gallery was dark and I was unable to see much ahead of me. I knew William was probably disposing his body right now but if what the spirit said was true I need to reach him as soon as possible.

"William!" I called out.


"Will!" I tried again.


"Can you he-" Suddenly, a hand reached over my mouth and stopped from speaking. I turned around and...

William POV:

Shit. That bastard really did a number on me...I should've known he would steal the remnant. But I give him credit for being such a good actor. My ankle was bent in ways it shouldn't and I had cuts and bruises all over me. But I knew who he was after next, and I was not going to let that happen.

Gathering the little strength I had, I stood up and leaned on the brick. I limped over towards the door and opened it. Vincent was no where to be found. He didn't know what my car looked like...right?

Still leaning on the wall, I walked back inside Circus Baby's. I needed medical assistance. I could tell by the concerned looks on parents faces but I couldn't stop now. Not when Y/N is in danger.

This is all my fault. I'm the one that got her into this mess. I should've kept Vincent a secret but she was just being too damn curious. She would've thought I was the murderer if I didn't tell the truth! But sometimes lying is necessary. If only I had done that earlier...

I opened Ballora's gallery and saw...nothing. That was quite unusual I half-expected some sort of boss battle to occur when I opened the door. Sighing, I shut the door again and made my way towards my car.

I had checked all around Circus Baby's and Y/N was nowhere to be found. I was actually starting to have hope the she obeyed my wishes and stayed inside the car. There would be no way Vincent could find her in there. So with this new joy, a rush of adrenaline came over me and my pace quickened. I was nearing the entrance and I could feel the smile on my face getting bigger and bigger. Y/N was safe.

I opened the doors from the main entrance and immediately spotted my car. My smile dropped.

No. She wasn't.

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