Chapter 59: Epilogue

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It's been 7 months without William Afton in my life. He had once again disappeared and confirmed he wouldn't return unless his case was forgotten.

Well, it just so happens that that day was today.

Mr. Afton is presumed dead as we have not found him nor the body in months. The case is closed until otherwise.

The voice still rang in my ears. I just couldn't get over it. I hadn't told the kids yet since I didn't know how it'd affect them. They've grown to live without their father and I don't think they could handle him coming back again or leaving.

It's never going to be safe with him around.

Still, that doesn't mean I don't want him to be. Call me greedy, but I do love him and I could care less about the danger.

I just wish the danger left him alone.

Over the course of the months, I'd gradually grown closer to Henry. His wife ended up leaving him with his kids and he went through a rough patch, thankfully I was there to help him cope. He has been incredibly grateful for that.

The children...they have been struggling. They really miss their father but it gets less painful for them each day. Michael was the most affected, but he has learned to think of other happier things and that has helped him become the bright kid I once knew him as.

The case for William just closed this morning and I would be lying if I was saying I wasn't waiting for my doorbell to ring every moment of the day.

Sadly, when that time finally wasn't him. It was the 3 little Afton's, which I never mind, of course.

"Hi, mom!" Lizzy chirped, hugging me as she entered through the door.

"Hey, guys. How was school?" I smiled as I helped the three settle their bags onto the kitchen counter.

"Boring. I got more detentions...sorry." Michael said, unapologetically. Making me sigh.

"Michael, you really need to get that under control. College's aren't going to like that."

"...I know. I'll try. Sorry again." Michael smiled. Which was a rare sighting for him to do it so genuinely.

"Okay. Thank you. How about you Chris?"

"It was fun." Chris muttered. He spoke casually around me but was still shy. He never spoke much around his siblings either, it was just how he communicated.

Therapy seemed to be helping him but he's never been normal. In fact, none of them have. Elizabeth is still scarred from her incident and Michael is still upset over what he did with Chris. And Chris hasn't exactly recovered either...

But luckily, with Henry and I's support, they've been functional and happier each month. We definitely struggled without William, but he wasn't completely gone.

He had been sending loads of cash under Vincent every month. I was able to cash them in without raising any suspicion as no one recognized the name. His original intention was to provide financial support, but it also let me know he was still out there and he hadn't forgotten us.

Which always gave me hope.

"That's good! Hey, do you guys want to get ice cream?"


It was night time now and I had just settled down in the living room after tucking the kids in. I still didn't tell any of them about the case and I wasn't sure if I was going to because I didn't want to give them false hope.

I shifted my focus away from William and focused back on my book. I steadily glanced through the pages but a sudden ring had be distracted.

Every time I heard that ring I always wished it was William. Just a little spark of hope. But he never took his phone with him, didn't want the police to track him. So, the brief hope I had was shattered every time I reminded myself of this.

Henry: Did you tell the kids?

Y/N: No. Maybe I'll tell Michael tomorrow. Then other two might not even understand anyway.

Henry: You're right but it would still be good to do it.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so. What's your opinion on it all?

Henry: I was with you in court. I mean, I'm not exactly happy they dismissed his case but he was my best friend. I wouldn't like seeing him in jail either. No matter how mad he made me.

Y/N: I really am sorry, Henry. I know this is a sensitive topic for you and I'm glad you've been supporting me with his case.

Henry: I don't mind at all, Y/N. And you have nothing to apologize for. It's what
(F/N) would've wanted. Besides, I love spending time with my favorite kid!

Y/N: Wow. I've been promoted!

Henry: Don't let it boost your ego too much. That's already high enough...

Y/N: Hey!

Henry: Lol. Goodnight kiddo. I'm going to bed.

Y/N: Goodnight dad.

Smiling, I put the phone back down on the couch and shook away my cheeriness. Henry always knew how to cheer me up. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without him during these times.

I continued to read through my book and analyze the story line. It was about some sort of Utopia where everyone was divided into different categories. It intrigued me so I kept on reading, even if it was around midnight.

I was rudely interrupted with a knock at the door. I assumed it was FedEx as they usually like to deliver my mail at around this time. I always yell at them but my complaints are meaningless.

I reluctantly sat up and went to the door to open it. Half expecting a box to be on my placemat. But what I got was much better.

"Did you miss me, darling?"



Or is it?

After all....

"You should beware the spring locks."

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