Chapter 10: Sick Day

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"What do you mean? We have to work."

This confused me. He and Henry discussed police investigations occurring today. Perhaps he was just trying to get out of that.

"I would like to take the day off. Things have been rough, with Clara. I told them they can have a sick day, so I took one too. And they kept asking you to take one as well." The Clara situation sounded believable, but everything else was suspicious. I didn't know how I felt about taking a sick day because they wanted me to.

"They wanted me to take a sick day with them?" I questioned rather inquisitively. William avoided eye contact with me. As if analyzing the oddness in his own words.

"...Yes. They have taken a great liking to you. They never really had a good mother figure growing up." Dumbfounded, I took a moment to reply from that. I was not close enough to be seen as a mother figure to them.

But, it did get me thinking about Clara...

"William if you don't mind me asking, what happened with Clara?" A angered expression came across his face, and I already regretted asking, he was not going to give me any joyous words about his ex-wife.

"She was a whore. Clara went out partying all night, slept with other men, and didn't care for the kids. I once found another man lying on my side of the bed." He grunted, his teeth jammed together in fixation. "I divorced her and she didn't get anything out of it besides privileges to see the kids. She shouldn't of even gotten that."

He spat the last part out in pure disgust. I was expecting for me to have to rub his back or comfort him, but he was clearly more furious than upset. I was at a loss for words.

"She sounds terrible. That must've been awful for yours kids." His expression still looked enraged, but his body looked a bit less tense.

"She was. But I'll never have to put up with her again." He chuckled afterwards as his face returned completely neutral. A sign that he was okay again.

After that, we pulled into Afton's house. I was curious to see if the children were upset at all. I knew William mentioned something happened with Clara, but he never mentioned what. Only the history of her.

I walked in expecting a bunch of wallowing faces, though only to be greeted by three delighted children. They all sat there on the couch and when they noticed our presence, smiles came upon their faces.

"Yay! Daddy and Miss Y/N!" Elizabeth yelled before she ran forward and tackled me in a hug. Completely dazed by the moment, I didn't hug back for a few seconds as she had caught me completely off-guard with her sudden closeness to me.

"Oh, so no hug for me?" Elizabeth quickly looked at William and pulled apart from me, going to her dad and hugging him. She giggled as William ruffled her hair and I took this as my que to sit down on the couch. The other two children were next to me so I decided to start a conversation with them.

"Hey guys, what are you up to?" I smirked towards the littler one, Chris, slightly noticing Elizabeth finished up hugging William.

"We were watching TV, but father said we could go out today." It was Michael who answered, in a seemingly bored tone. It was a typical teenager trait and I wasn't surprised at all.

Chris sat up from where he was sitting and shifted his eyes on me. Shortly after, William came over with Elizabeth, both smiling giddy at each other. I couldn't help but find it a bit cute.

"I was going to take the kids somewhere today. Would you like to join us?" William seemed slightly nervous asking me this, which was weird because he was usually so cocky. I assumed it was because he had a audience watching him, his kids.

"Yeah, what did you have in mind?" I answered in a cheery tone, as if to reassure my commitment to tagging along.

"Daddy said we could go to the park, and maybe get ice cream!" Chris said happily and Micheal rolled his eyes. Although, I could tell he was clearly excited too.

"Only if you're well behaved." William pointed at his kids, who nodded in excitement. I was excited myself, I genuinely enjoyed spending time with his kids. And now, I was curious about William. But I did find it a bit odd. How he was so inviting, so quickly. Maybe he was just lonely.

"I'm going to help Elizabeth and Chris get ready. You can stay downstairs with Michael." William gestured for Chris and Liz to follow him up the stairs, which they eventually did. Everything was fine except the part where he left me in a awkward conversation with his edgy son.

"Are you banging my dad?" He asked suddenly, like it was a normal question. My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I couldn't believe he thought of me as some daytime hookup or fling!

"Are you serious? He's my boss! Where are your manners?" Micheal's smirk only increased with my choice of words.

"That's how it always is with boss's." He mumbled, "He always talks about you, y'know. I heard him the other day over the phone."

He was clearly trying to get some sort of entertainment out of this. Though honestly, I found it more humorous than him.

"Oh? What does he say?"

"If I told you that would ruin the fun." In a way, he reminded you of William. A tease.

I groaned sarcastically as Micheal broke out into laughter. Soon after, William came down with the other two kids all dressed up and ready to go. Micheal and I sat up from the couch and followed behind them as he led us out the door.

In the car, I couldn't help but think about the investigation. This was definitely William's way of avoiding it. I just didn't seem him as the type of man to skip a day of work to spend with family. He seemed more like a business man.

But I guess I do have poor judgement in character.

"Miss Y/N! Is strawberry or vanilla ice cream better!" Elizabeth's voice rang through my ears, catching me off guard. I had forgotten her and Micheal were arguing over ice cream. I had forgotten I was even in the car.

"Chocolate's better." I decided.

"Chocolate wasn't a choice! Chocolate looks like poop." I rolled my eyes at Elizabeth. She laughed manically at her own joke though. Love a kid with confidence.

"You look like poop!" Micheal teased back at Liz, obviously slightly annoyed. That only made her laugh harder. I could also hear slight chuckling from William. The car ride became more comfortable for me.

Elizabeth and Micheal then both stuck their tongues out at each other. Chris stared at them, very confused, as he was probably too young to understand, but I couldn't help but smile at the two's bickering. It reminded me a lot of myself with my other siblings.

"We're here." William interrupting their staring contest. Elizabeth huffed before they both broke eye contact and stomped out of the car. I had a snarky expression on my face as I did the same.

The park was actually really pretty. I hadn't been here before, I wasn't even sure if we were in the same town. But it was really big, filled with flowers and beautiful, big trees and sidewalks for walking. There were yards of open fields and a ginormous playground. Kids all around were enjoying it, and further down I could even see an ice cream stand.

"Good choice, Will." I said with visible approval. William looked at me with a smirk on his face, like he was proud. And as we started walking towards the playground, I couldn't help but feel like I belonged.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now