Chapter 30: It All Connects

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Today was the day I feared most. It was Chris's birthday. After our conversation last night, I fell asleep on William's bed. He slept next to me. Usually I would mind but ever since he told me about those murdered children a part of me hasn't felt safe around him.

Currently, I'm at Freddy's helping William set up. The car ride was pretty quiet, but there wasn't much to discuss. I told William I hadn't felt comfortable talking about the spirits and he accepted it. I was putting party favors on the table when I felt a hand reach for my shoulder, I groaned at the thought of it being William, but to my surprise it was Nick.

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Oh, do I have a bone to pick with you-" I threw myself away from his grasp. He chuckled at my anger.

"It's not my fault he was listening." Nick held a smirk.

"What are you even doing here? Freddy's is closed to the public for Chris's party."

"Mr. Emily wanted me to help out. Here let me take that." Nick reached for a box of party supplies on the table and walked away. I stared in confusion but continued working.

Once we finished with the decorating, Nick said it was time to bring SpringBonnie out. I was still having some PTSD from the animatronic but I knew it couldn't hurt me unless I was inside. Nervously, I helped Nick carry SpringBonnie onto the stage, but once we reached the hallway, we were stopped by a angered figure.

"And just what are you doing, Nick?" It was William. He spat out Nick's name angrily.

"I'm helping Y/N put SpringBonnie on the stage, sir."

William looked me up and down before putting his angered look back on.

"I didn't permit you to carry SpringBonnie, he's very expensive." William glared back towards Nick. I couldn't tell if he was angry with me or not.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Afton. I just wanted to help." Nick answered looking down at the floor.

"Next time you go to me. Now, please go prepare the kitchen. I'm going to move SpringBonnie, myself." Nick scurried off of SpringBonnie and leapt to the kitchen. Leaving me alone with William.

"Do you want me to help him?" I asked unsure if he was angered by my actions.

"No, I need your help." He gestured for me to help him pick SpringBonnie back up, which I did. The two of us continued to carry him back on the stage.

"Why didn't you just ask Nick, then?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

"Nick's clumsy." He stated bluntly.

"And I'm not?" I joked.

"Fair." He smirked back. I giggled slightly.

A few minutes later we had placed SpringBonnie on the stage. William had set him up since I didn't know a thing about engineering, but the whole time I watched him in awe. He seemed so experienced, and it amazed me at how well he knew how to handle electrical work.

"Are you just going to sit there and look pretty?" William turned his neck in my direction. I chuckled at the question.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going back to work." I began to walk away, only to find William grabbing my arm.

"That doesn't mean you have to leave, darling." I smiled back.

"Then what do you want me to do?" I said, while William looked me up and down.

"Stay with me." He let go of his grasp on my arm and I stared at him for a moment in confusion. Maybe he just wants company.

"Okay." I answered. William nodded and went back to his wires. I stared at him for a bit before finally deciding to make conversation.

"So why do you think Nick is so incompetent?" I could tell William was rolling his eyes.

"Why do you care so much about Nick?" He questioned back. I really did not care, I was rather curious.

"I mean I don't. I just want to know." I said nonchalantly.

"I just don't like him." William sighed.

"Why not?"

"You ask a lot of questions, dear." William said seeming half-annoyed.

"Are you going to answer?"

"Maybe another time." William sprang up from where he was crouched.

"I'm finished so I'm going to pick up the kids. Do you want to come?" William suggested, which immediately brought a smile to my face.

"Hell yeah!" I yelped excitedly. William chuckled.

"Alright, let's go, love." I walked off the stage with William and made my way to his car, forgetting about how I was trying to avoid him.

But I remembered when I saw spirits standing in the parking lot, causing me and William to stop our walk and stare at them.

"Save him."

"Save us."

"Y/N, you can change him."

"Stop him."

"You can stop him."

Voices came from all around me, as I attempted to cover my ears. Although, they still rang in my head. The children were looming over me and yelling at me. Demanding me to help them. William shooed them away shortly after, helping me catch my breath.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" He asked worryingly.

"I'll be fine. Let's go..." But my mind kept racing. What did the spirits mean? Save him..? You can change him..? Change who? I looked back at William and slowly pieced everything together.

He was the murderer.

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now