Chapter 52: We Meet Again

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"You fucking bastard! You're gonna kill me like all the other children?!"

I heard faint screeches from the door next to me. I honestly would've went home but the voices came back and told me to go inside. It was then, that I realized it was Henry's voice. Without hesitation, I burst through the door.


I couldn't believe my eyes. There, stood Dave. Mere seconds away from stabbing my near father, Henry Emily.

"Y/N?! It's not what it looks like!" Dave quickly hopped off of Henry, waving his hands in the air in defense. He dropped the knife from his hands and let his guard down.

"What were you doing!? You were going to kill him!" I was sick to my stomach. What was it with me being romantically involved with murderers? Wasn't one enough?!

"Yeah! What were you doing...William." Henry snarled.


The man I had been shedding tears for...

The man who abandoned his children...

The man who abandoned me...

The child murderer...


I stomped over to William and slapped him across the face. Serves him right for tricking me. Henry smirked at the sight and William winced as he clutched onto his hit cheek.

"Damn, I was expecting a nicer welcoming, love. Like maybe a kis-"

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" I growled. William quickly jumped back and took obvious intimidation from my change in tone. Even Henry was startled.

"Well, i'm a fugitive, darling. I can't exactly waltz in here as William. I had to disguise myself."

I still couldn't believe William fucking Afton was right in front of me. How could I be so blind? And I said so many things...

"Why couldn't you just tell me then?"

"I wanted too...I just wasn't sure if you were mad at me or not." He sighed, rubbing his neck awkwardly. It was at this moment I remembered Henry was beside us.

"Yeah, you are a fugitive. I should be calling the police." Henry hissed, slightly leaning his face closer to Williams. William returned the favor.

"William, I think you owe him a apology." I glanced back at his angered figure. He sighed before his eyes turned back to their normal green.

"Henry, I truly am sorry-"

"SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT! YOU KILLED MY FUCKING DAUGHTER, AND MANY MORE!" Henry threw another punch at William. I gasped as he hit the floor and groaned.

"Henry! Please don't do anything to him! You have to let him explain himself!" I yelped as I held Henry back from pouncing on William. William took this opportunity to get back up and back away.

"Okay then, explain. EXPLAIN WHY YOU KILLED HER, Y-YOU MONSTER!" I continued to hold him back as he screamed.

"Well, first of all, I didn't kill all the children, just Charlie..." He sighed, "I really regret killing Charlie, Henry. I do. I can't exactly explain my reason to you but I'm a changed man."

"Changed, really? You act like you didn't just try stabbing me a few minutes ago!" I knew this wasn't a time to be laughing, but that's pretty ironic. William definitely had a poor choice of words.

"I'm sorry! You were just really pissing me off!" He clutched onto his head in frustration. Earning strange looks from Henry and I.

"What were you guys fighting about anyway?" I looked back over at Henry. They both seemed to be in a trance as they glanced at each other.

"Nothing of importance, darling." William chuckled.

"We'll discuss that later, William. For now, I need to think of what to do about you..." Henry rubbed his temple as he shut his eyes. I sympathized for him, I mean i'm very overwhelmed by William's presence too, and enraged.

"Alright, Henry. I'll leave you alone." I saw a hint of guilt in William's eyes, which wasn't easy to get out of him.

"Please do." Sighing, William walked out the door. I stayed behind for a bit to comfort Henry.

"I'm sorry about everything, Henry."

"It's not your fault, Y/N. I just don't know what to do about him." Henry dropped his hands to look over at me.

"He really has changed. I know tonight isn't a good example but he really has." My words seemed to take some affect on Henry. He looked down at the floor for a moment, seeming to contemplate his next course of action.

"He'll just have to prove it to me." Henry smirked. I grinned as I dropped my hand from his shoulder and looked at the door.

"Thank you, Henry. But I should get going now, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Y/N. And for the love of God, please find better boyfriends." I giggled as I opened the door and walked out, I did definitely have a poor choice in men. Well, one bad choice.

I walked out of the pizzeria, paranoid. The voices shook me up a bit. They hadn't paid me a visit since William was here and I was quite surprised to see them again. It was too soon, and they said some disturbing things as well. In fact, they even warned me about the scooper again. Which I haven't heard about in months.

As I walked out the exit I saw a figure leaning on my car. I already knew who it was, I recognized the tall slender figure. But I couldn't avoid it, I needed to get home somehow. Unfortunately, I continued my way to the car, dreading approaching the man.

"Ready to go home, love?"

"Suck it, Afton."

Love to Die For (William Afton x Reader)  |UNDER REVISION!|Where stories live. Discover now