3- Earth meeting Air

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Adults went back to work after lecturing the kids to stay together and not go outside the building at any cost.

"Ayaan, was that really your imagination or is your brother actually a superhero?" Dhruv, an eight year old asked, hoping that Ayaan would choose the latter option.

"Let's talk somewhere else, where nobody can hear us," Rewa suggested.

All the kids nodded at her suggestion and went to find a quiet place. Unfortunately, their usual hideouts were filled with the employees, who were taking a break.

"Argh! These people. Can't they leave one place for us?" Tejas, the eldest one groaned.

"I know right," Sarah agreed with a scowl on her face.

"Terrace!" Jhanvi exclaimed as the idea hit her.

No one really went there as they all were busy working within the building. Even for breaks, the elders preferred the garden near the cafeteria and not the terrace. Hence, it was the perfect spot for a secret meeting.

"That's a great idea," Rewa acknowledged with a relieved smile.


Not having courage to go down and face the strangers, Sameera was pacing around the terrace, when she heard the sound of many people coming upstairs.

She looked here and there in alarm, before going to hide behind the huge blue drums of water kept at the corner. Sameera tilted her head a little, and saw so many children enter the terrace.

Sameera held her breath as the kids marched towards her. She breathed again when they stopped a few steps away and sat down in a circle.

"Now tell us the truth," Laksh, a fifteen year old, demanded.

"Story time," Mishti, a five year old, clapped her hands excitedly.

Ayaan was going to speak up when Sarah asked him to wait.

"What's wrong?" Rewa asked Sarah, as she stood up to close the terrace door.

"If what Ayaan said was true then Avan is in danger," Sarah explained her actions as she sat down.

"Danger?" Ayaan asked as he protectively clasped his brother's hands.

"Yes Danger," Sarah said in a serious tone.

"We all know the world is in chaos and technology is failing. Few hours ago we discussed that we need elements to save us, right?" Sarah asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah we did. So what about it?" Tejas, the eldest one asked in an irritated tone, wanting her to hurry and get done with the conversation.

"To save the world, we will need at least thousands of elements. However, we only have one. If anyone comes to know about Avan, then do you even understand what could happen?" Sarah asked rhetorically, to emphasize on the dreaded situation.

"He would get kidnapped," Rewa answered in a dread filled tone.

"Why would they kidnap me?" Avan asked, looking shocked by even the thought of it.

"Oh kiddo! Don't get scared. Nothing will happen to you. We are only talking about the possibilities. And that too only if you could actually control the tree that was going to fall on Ayaan," Rewa tried to assure, but it scared the kid even more.

While Rewa was trying to sugarcoat the situation, Sarah spoke the brutal truth. "People are selfish until the very end. Even when the whole world is on the verge of ending, they would only think about saving themselves.

"Now just think- The whole big bad world, against the little you. Obviously they all would fight to get their hands on you, so that they would survive the disaster."

Sameera heard everything. At first she was confused about what they were talking about but then slowly understanding dawned upon her.

There was someone like her. Just like she flew with the help of a bubble, there was someone who could control the trees. Right now, she thoroughly agreed with the foul mouthed girl. Her tone was harsh, but she spoke the truth. She had first hand experience about the cruelty of people.

She joined her hands and prayed to God, "Please don't let the child have the power these kids are talking about. Or...or if he does have the power then please please, help him so that he could keep them hidden."

Ayaan, although scared, was too proud of his brother to hide his power. "Hah! No one would be able to kidnap Avan. Rocks will fall down on them, or trees would scoop them before they could even come near him," Ayaan boasted.

Avan laughed nervously as everyone looked at him expectantly with raised eyebrows, waiting for him to agree or deny his brother's claim.

"Ayaan has even more exciting stories than mommy. He makes up these things to make it more enjoyable. Like...like when I pushed him to save him from the falling tree. But he said that I pushed the falling tree," Avan tried his best to cover up his elder brother's goof up.

Ayaan was the elder one but he was more childish. After all, Ayaan never got the teachings and guidance from the old trees, who always helped Avan.

The elder kids sighed in relief as Avan dismissed Ayaan's claim, while the younger one's started hollering at Ayaan, "Liar, Liar, pants on fire."

This continued for a few more minutes until Ayaan stood up with a huff and moved away from the group.

"Ayaan wait," Rewa tried to stop him.

"Stop it you all," she scolded the other kids, before standing up to go behind him.

"I will go," Avan said, stopping Rewa.

He had made Ayaan upset, so he would be the one to make him happy again.

Avan followed Ayaan who had stomped all the way towards the back of the drums, before stopping.

Avan stopped short when he saw Ayaan standing there wide-eyed, having his mouth closed with his palm. Avan turned to look at what had alarmed Ayaan and saw a disheveled Aunty with bruised feet, sitting there with a finger on her lips.

"She is requesting you two to keep quiet. Don't tell others about her," came a whisper from the algae that had formed in between the cracks of the terrace tiles.

Avan clasped his brother's hand, while his other hand moved to close his mouth.

Both the brothers looked comical, as they stood side by side, with wide eyes and palm covering their mouths.

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