34- 50%

29 9 8

Asha looked at her scared friends. She didn't understand why those three looked so tense. Knowing an ancient language didn't automatically mean that Gyaan was bad. She relayed the same question to the others.

"True. But how does he know that language is a big question here?" Sarah spoke out, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "This isn't a normal history book. It is about a world that existed long before our world history started getting recorded."

"He even refused about being an element," Tejas added.

Rewa nodded, thinking it over. "Gyaan knows a language that is not even known by our great great grandparents.

"Plus he knows everything about elements even if he isn't an element himself," Rewa listed out.

"He is hiding something, that's for sure. However we don't know for a fact whether he is an evil person or not. It is still a 50-50 chance," Asha concluded.

"50% is not a small percentage. We cannot keep him with us if we aren't sure about his intentions. We all might get harmed." Sarah and Tejas agreed with Rewa's words, while Asha was still in dilemma.

"What if he was here to take away the elements with him?" Dhruv queried, as his mind started making theories.

"What?!" Each one of them exclaimed with shock and fear.

"Tell us clearly, how did you come to that conclusion?" Sarah asked urgently.

Dhruv nodded and started explaining vividly, by acting out and moving his hands to portray the things.

"See, We found him when we went to find out Ahana and Neer. Gyaan knew about elements and he had been following two of them from before.

"He then convinced Sameera, saying that he can help her practice with the help of the book. Getting the third element on his side.

"He also helped Avan comfort his plant friend. Because of his suggestion, Avan sang a song and the plant recovered. This way, Gyaan obviously won Avan's heart."

Whoever said 'to not underestimate a kid', was absolutely true. Everyone ignored them thinking they were just kids, playing around, not knowing anything. But they were the ones who observed and learned everything far more quickly than any elder.

Dhruv sat on the floor, selecting a square tile, and started putting some items like pen, keychain, buttons on the corners of the square; naming them as the elements. And then, he moved forward to put Asha's hair clip in the middle naming it Gyaan.

"So he knows everything about the two elements," Dhruv got two items together, "and he has managed to befriend another two," he said as he brought all the four items and made a circle around the hair clip.

"So now, Gyaan has all the four elements within his reach." Dhruv concluded his explanation.

"And all of them are with him right now," Ayaan said in a dreaded tone, looking at the older kids with fright.

"Elements don't know where we all are. What if he takes them away to some different place?" Ayaan questioned out as tears started welling up in his eyes. "What about Avan? What if he harms my brother?"

Ayaan started crying hysterically. He had promised to protect his brother yet he didn't stay by Avan's side. If something happened to Avan, then it would be his fault. He should have gone with Avan rather than playing with Dhruv.

Rewa and Tejas tried to console him along with Asha and Dhruv who hugged him tightly. Sarah muttered curses under her breath as she looked at the unfolding scene. It wasn't like she didn't wish to console him, she just didn't know how to. These types of things were super awkward for her.

Ayaan started choking because of his continuous crying. Rewa patted his back, trying to calm him down as Tejas tried to handle Dhruv who had joined Ayaan in crying.

"Shall we inform the parents?" Surprisingly this question came from Sarah's mouth, who usually liked to keep distance with the elders. However this wasn't a normal situation and they needed help before something worse could happen.

Rewa agreed with Sarah. They held the hands of crying children to go and wake up their parents.


Before Rewa could call Reyansh, the room's door opened, revealing the elements and Gyaan. Maanvi and Koko had chosen another room, wanting to get away from these beings as soon as possible.

Ayaan pulled out his hand from Rewa's hold and ran up to his brother. He hugged Avan tightly after making sure to distance his brother from Gyaan.

"What?" Gyaan was left open-mouthed by Ayaan's abrupt actions.

"Let's talk somewhere else," Rewa spoke in a stern tone.

If Gyaan had any doubt or objection, it was effectively silenced when Sarah pointed towards the colourful book in her hands.

Gyaan sighed but followed them nonetheless.

"What is this about?" Ahana asked curiously, after they stopped at the emergency staircase.

"Open it." Sarah forwarded her the colourful book.

"Isn't that the book which contains the information on us?" Sameera questioned no one in particular.

Neer too looked into the book as Ahana turned the pages. The first two pages were turned with a shrug but as the writing didn't change even in the third page, it started alarming the twins. The dumbfounded twins then forwarded the book to Sameera, who had the same reaction.

"Weren't you reading this book when we first met?" Neer asked in a low voice.

At the same time, Ahana asked angrily, "What kind of a joke is this?"

"Listen, you all are overreacting. It is just another language that I happen to know." Gyaan tried to wave it off as nothing, but he wasn't fooling anyone.

"It is not just another language. It is a language that hasn't been spoken for more than a thousand years. Or maybe even longer than that," Sarah scoffed.

Gyaan's resistance to clarify was making everyone doubt him even more. They all moved a little, creating space between them and Gyaan.

Even then, Ayaan still kept holding Avan's hand tightly. He wasn't going to let go of his brother unless what 50% Gyaan belonged to was proven.

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