12- Who created Rainbow?

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The other remaining researchers were shocked by the new information. Even though they were in different teams, Tej and Kriti worked in the same building. How come no one knew about their friendship or ex-friendship to be precise, was a huge question.

"Tej, even if I know that you can be a valuable asset to our team, I can't let you in if my team member has a problem," Reyansh said in an apologetic tone, not bothering to ask about their history.

"Just don't dismiss me like that. Even while fighting, Kriti and I used to be the most awesome project partners during college days. Please give it a little more thought. We as a pair can do wonders," Tej urged the team leader with puppy eyes.

"Yeah let him join. Their fights would serve as great entertainment," Dhruv giggled.

"Excuse me!" Kriti's mouth was left open at his words.

"First you call me Aunty and now entertainment; what have I done so wrong to get this treatment?" Kriti questioned in agitation.

If she was in a cartoon show, then smoke would have been coming out of her nose and ears right now.

"What's so wrong in being called Aunty?" Dhruv questioned back. His eight year old mind couldn't really understand why this Aunty kept getting angry with him.

"Irrespective of age, no woman likes to be called an Aunty. And here, Kriti is so young. Obviously she wouldn't like it," Sarika tried to explain when she saw Kriti ignoring Dhruv altogether.

"But Sameera Aunty didn't say anything when I called her Aunty," Avan spoke with confusion.

Sameera's name brought back the memories of the woman who accused them of exploiting people for experiments.

"Don't remind me of her. The woman kept accusing us, when we had no ulterior motives," Payal huffed.

"It wasn't her fault. After being trapped for so many years, it is natural to be wary of people," Sarah remarked, earning a glare from her mother.

"Of course, you would understand her. Anyone who is on the opposite side of your mother is an inspiration to you, isn't it?" Sarika seethed.

"Not really," Sarah waved off her hand in a nonchalant motion. "She wasn't my type. I liked the fire girl more. Ah! The attitude, her remarks, her whole body covered in flames; she was so cool. Fire girl is totally my inspiration," Sarah spoke in an awe filled voice.

"My inspiration is my brother," Ayaan butted in cheerfully, while hugging Avan.

"Of course," Sarah snorted with an eye roll, causing Ayaan to frown. But then Sarah turned towards Avan and spoke with reluctant yet honest words, "You were cool too."

Avan blushed a little but waved it off, "I wasn't. The idea of branches didn't work."

"Yes, but the holes made in the ground helped us so much. We wouldn't have survived if you didn't create them," Rewa said, not letting Avan dismiss himself.

"Plus you were the first one to go and try something to save us all," Sarah said with an approving nod. Credit had to be given when it was deserved.

"Did you also create the rainbow?" Kriti asked Avan with curiosity.

"He doesn't create, he requests his friends to help," Ayaan interjected, trying to impart the knowledge which was absolutely necessary according to him.

"Oh okay," Kriti laughed, before changing the question, "Did you request the rainbow to come and save the kids from falling?"

Avan shook his head in negative, "I love rainbows but they aren't my friends. It wasn't my work."

"Maybe Sameera made it," Dhruv's mother guessed.

"Nah! She was busy trying and failing to keep those three floating," Tejas disagreed.

"I don't think it is in the properties of fire to create a rainbow either," Payal spoke thoughtfully.

"Water and fire are cancelled. Moreover, they both came way after the rainbow incident," Reyansh spoke up.

"Then who...?" Was the question left hanging.

Everyone knew who caused the ground to split open, who caused the kids to float, who was the one who diverted the water into two walls, who made the fire disappear; but who made the rainbow was still a question.

"What about the sky?" Tej asked. Seeing everyone looking at him with confused faces, he explained, "Naturally there were four elements, but then after years of study a fifth one was also added. Sky/space is the fifth element. So maybe it was the sky who created the rainbow."

"Unfortunately, I agree with Tej. It seems likely that there is a fifth element too," Kriti muttered, cursing herself for agreeing with that man.

"But the colourful book had only mentioned the four elements," Dhruv interjected when everyone had just started agreeing to Tej's words.

"Colourful book?" All the elders except the team leader asked, while at the same time the kids exclaimed, "We totally forgot about it!"

Rewa took it upon herself to tell the elders about the book and what they had found inside it.

"So you mean to say that Nature has made its comeback?" Payal asked.

Nothing seemed strange or impossible to her after seeing her child talk and use the earth element on his will. This was a strange world and everything was possible in it.

"What comeback? When none of them are ready to help us," Sarika grumbled, still upset about the elements rejecting her offer to join hands and save the world.

"Wait, wait, wait," Reyansh stood up all of a sudden as realization dawned upon him.

"There were a few chits that had fallen from that book. They all seemed to have some weird sentences. I thought they didn't make any sense. But now I think that those sentences can help us convince those elements."

"What are you waiting for? Where are the chits?" Sarika asked in excitement. Maybe, just maybe, there was still some hope left.

"That..." Reyansh trailed off, looking guilty.

He didn't know how to continue but he had to when everyone was waiting for him impatiently.

"In my cabin."

Breaking all the hopes he had ignited, he sat down on his chair again with a sigh as others facepalmed themselves.

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