39- A small celebration

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Everyone showered and changed into the fresh clothes, before sitting in a circle to discuss how to move further. Well, not everyone as Neer and Ahana had left to talk among themselves, after dumping the new clothes and necessities.

"Is the lab well equipped to fight against the disasters? We can't put the children in danger," Dhruv's mother questioned. Safety was the only reason why Dhruv was staying at her workplace instead of being at home with other family members.

"It is actually a science college which has been closed because of the disasters. It is equipped but the level is nowhere near our research building." Reyansh answered truthfully. He didn't want to scare her but giving false hopes wasn't something he could do.

"I think it will still be better than our homes. Labs have too many sensitive and fragile items, so the building has to be more protected than the usual residential areas," Gyaan informed, calming down the tensed atmosphere by a notch.

"Sure sure, take all the praises for yourself. You basically said the same thing as Reyansh. He just said that the glass was half empty while your version was that the glass was half full," Ahana commented from where she had been standing with Neer.

"Don't butt in other's conversations. Focus on yours," Gyaan retorted.

"You would want that, wouldn't you? How else will you be able to act all smart and arrogant?" Ahana taunted.

"Guys, guys, let's come back to the topic," Reyansh tried to restore the peace, "And Ahana, do join us," he requested, "No, don't say no because you are clearly interested."

Ahana huffed at being called out but did as she was asked. Neer too followed her and sat down with the group.

"These people are rapidly changing us and I don't like it," Ahana muttered in a low voice, so only Neer could hear.

"We are changing ourselves," Neer whispered back with a small happy smile.


"Yes they are the reason behind our change but they aren't the ones doing anything. It's just us finding someone worthwhile after all these years," Neer explained, before turning his attention back to the researchers.

Ahana agreed with Neer. Yes these researchers were annoying, but she couldn't ignore their welcoming nature. Not once these researchers made them feel like 'monsters'. Of course, the humans weren't able to help the elements much but they surely tried. And intentions always mattered to Ahana more than results. Not to forget about her two admirers- Avan and Sarah. Both of them were so different from each other yet they liked the same person. The one from whom each and everyone was so  scared off.

"What is she thinking so deeply?" Kriti asked Neer, not having the courage to ask the fire girl directly.

Neer shrugged before shaking Ahana out of her thoughts.

"You alright?" He mouthed in concern.

Ahana gestured to him to come with her, before standing up. "We will be back," she announced behind her back as she dragged her confused brother to a scheduled area.

"Whoa! Slow down woman, you are scaring me!!" Neer yelled, before stumbling as Ahana stopped abruptly. "What's wrong with you?"

His question was responded with Ahana's shocking question. "Want to join them?"

"What?!" Neer looked comical with his open-mouthed, wide-eyed dumbfounded look.

"Well if all the elements are together then we can fight the problems in a better way. And....you know...there was something like 'United we stand, divided we fall'."

Ahana's splutters were answered by Neer's deadpanned look. "Yeah, but you called all this a Bullshit."

Ahana scowled at Neer, not getting why the ever understanding Neer couldn't understand what she was actually trying to convey. Her doubt was cleared when Neer dropped his unamused look and started chuckling.

"Gosh, you are so predictable." His words would have released a lava if not for his loving and comforting hug. "Let's ask them if the offer still stands," Neer said as he broke the hug.

"Is everything alright?" Sameera asked worriedly, when the twins returned. And her worry escalated when she saw them glancing at each other unsurely.

"What seems to be the issue? We might be of some help if you tell us," Sarika prodded gently, like approaching a wounded puppy.

"Do you still want to work together?" Neer questioned in a nervous tone, "Saving the world together with technology and nature..."

Silence followed his question, making the twins face fall in dejection. They had lost the chance. Ahana opened her mouth to ask them to forget about it when suddenly everyone started jumping and dancing. Loud cheers were heard causing Ahana to stumble back a little. Her fall was fortunately saved by Neer, who was just as stunned as she was.

"Yes!" Tej and Kriti high-fived happily. But then they remembered their enmity. Both of them rubbed their palms harshly on their jeans, irritated that their hands touched each other.

Making a bad face at Tej, Kriti turned around towards other researchers, resuming her happy dance.

"What's with this weird reaction?" Ahana questioned out loud to no one in particular, as she was forced to dance too.

"There's finally a happy news among the never ending problems," Tej yelled back the answer, amidst his breakdance.

The twins chuckled before joining in the celebration.

No one knew how much time they had spent enjoying it until the manager of Dharamshala came to inform them that a vehicle had come.

Everyone looked at each other's happy and sweating faces, as they tried to calm down their heavy breathing.

"This was a great stress buster. We need to do this once in a while," Payal commented and received happy nods and yes' in return.

They all gathered their bags and started walking. They left the Dharmshala not before thanking the kind staff for their help.

Sarika looked back from time to time to see if the twins were really following. She still couldn't believe they agreed when they had been so adamant on their stance. Her eyes then moved towards Sameera who had taken a huge step. It must have been so hard to leave her fear behind when the villains of her life were also researchers/ scientists.

Sarika was well aware that it must have taken a lot of courage for them to trust the researchers. She vowed to herself that she wouldn't let any element regret joining them.

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