8- Twin Power

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All the kids and Sameera had closed their eyes in fear as the flames came near them. Everyone's eyebrows furrowed when they didn't feel the burn even after a few seconds.

Ayaan hesitantly opened his one eye, trying to see what was going on. His other eye opened instantly as he saw the scenario. He instantly shouted, getting everyone's attention.

"Look at the flames, they are going back," he said pointing towards the flames who were still blazing but had shied away from them.

They all were shocked by the outcome. No one understood how that happened but were still glad to be alive. Surprised shouts from downstairs caught their attention. The kids looked down the railing to see that the water in the hole was drying up, creating more space for the other water.

"Our parents are also safe," Dhruv, an eight year old, sighed in relief.

"But not for long," Sarah commented, looking at the blazing fire and the strong water flow.

"We need to hurry. Avan please ask for help from that tree," Rewa agreed with Sarah and hurried the process.

As instructed the tree branches came forward and wrapped themselves around the waist of three smaller kids.

The branches were just about to take off when a thirteen year old Manav pushed Ayaan aside and got hold of the branch.

"Ayaan," Avan and Rewa shouted in worry, while Sarah shouted, "Manav," in anger.

"We are children too, I also want to live," Manav shouted as the branches started taking the kids down.

Unfortunately, the tree couldn't take Manav's added weight and the branches broke down, making the children fall from the height of 12 floors.

"Noooo," Everyone shouted.

The kids clutched the railings, staring at their friends falling down in the rapid speed, while the parents had lost their breath. Not being able to see the death of their kids, two people even fainted.

Sameera pushed a few kids away from the railing, while using all her might to stop the kids from falling down.

All of them looked at the scene with wide eyes as the three children stopped falling. They were just floating in mid air. Everyone was shocked, yet they all sighed in relief. The parents had also gained back the consciousness until now.

"Ho...how?" Rewa mumbled, before a light bulb lit in her head.

"You are The Air Element," Rewa whispered.

"Wow! I don't think anything else is left to shock me anymore," Sarah snorted, before glaring at Sameera, "You could have helped us reach our parents sooner. Seriously, so selfish," Sarah clicked her tongue.

At the same moment, Jhanvi, an eleven year old, asked, "Why are they still floating? Either bring them up or let them down."

The kids looked at Sameera expectantly, who bit her lips in tension.

"I...I don't know how to control my powers," she spoke in a low voice, fearing the outcome.

"Great, just great!!" Sarah threw her hands up in the air.

"Try something. We can't let them float in the air forever. Plus we also need to get down," Rewa said.

"Aunty, you can do it," Avan encouraged Sameera and gestured to others to follow the same.

Sameera closed her eyes, and tried to focus. Her powers worked again but in a twisted way. The kids who were floating, started going down straight towards the hole which contained the current filled water.


Neer and Ahana were behind the bushes, standing away from the sight of everyone. While Ahana waved off the flames, Neer was trying to dry up the water hole, all the while drinking water from a bottle to gain more energy. He was so glad for having the mind to fill water bottles before leaving that village.

"Why is the building still on fire?" Neer asked.

"I can only do so much while standing so away. I need to go inside if I have to make the fire disappear," Ahana answered, while looking at Neer in annoyance.

In these 11 years of acquiring powers, this fact should have already been known by him.

"Oh yeah! Sorry forgot," Neer apologized, before questioning, "But how will you go up without making your presence known?"

Before Ahana could answer, they noticed the branches of a tree moving towards the balcony and then returning back with three kids.

However, the branches broke and kids started falling, only to come to a standstill.

The twins looked towards the floating children with open-mouth.

"There are more people like us," they both concluded in unison.

"Should we leave? They have help," Ahana asked with raised eyebrows. They didn't have to get exposed when these people had someone who was already trying to rescue them.

"I don—" Neer's answer was left hanging as the children started moving downwards towards the hole at a rapid speed.

Ahana and Neer looked at each other in alarm. Seeing that the unknown element that made the kids float,  wasn't trying to stop the kids from going down, Neer desperately looked at Ahana, "Twin Power?" He asked, pleadingly.

Ahana nodded quickly, before extending her arms. This time she blasted the rays of sunshine, instead of fire while Neer created water droplets.

Considering the situation, instead of screaming like usual, they both whispered, "Twin Power," as the sunshine and droplets came together and a rainbow was formed in between the air and the hole.

The three kids bounced and slided through that rainbow to reach the ground safely.

They all ran towards their parents, who hugged them tightly in return.

The events happening currently were unusual and alarming. But these unusual events were helping the researchers save their kids.

"What is happening?" Kriti, the youngest researcher questioned, as she looked a little scared by the happenings.

The giant rainbow had vanished, leaving the area back to its destructive state.

"I don't know. But I hope that whatever just happened, happens again and helps us save our children who are still stuck there," Reyansh, the team leader responded.

"Let's pray, so that whichever power is helping us, continues to do so," Sarika, a middle aged researcher said, while joining her hands towards the sky.

"What are you doing?" Tej, the brother of Tejas, asked the three parents who were stealthily leaving with their kids.

"We really want to help, but we can't put our children's life in danger again," Manav's dad said.

"I will pray that you all get your children back safely, but we can't stay here with you. Sorry," another parent said, before she walked away.

Her kid screamed, wanting to be with his friends until the very end, but she dragged him away.

"So selfish," Kriti, the youngest researcher muttered.

"Leave them be. There's no use of wasting time on them. Let's think of a method fast before the fire gets to our children and the water to us," Payal spoke, urging everyone to focus.

Payal too was shocked with the happenings. She knew the branches and the hole in the ground were the work of her son. But the other things were still a puzzle to her.

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