61- Relief, scoldings& Notifications

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Avan jumped in Ahana's arms as the latter held him closely. Holding Avan in her arms, Ahana patted the back of his head continuously while he rested his head on her shoulders. His whole body shook, getting back from the fright he had received as he took comfort from Ahana.

Everyone else stood beside the duo, waiting for the kid to calm down silently, giving Ahana and Avan their own space.

"I was so scared," Avan whispered in Ahana's ears.

"I was scared too," Ahana whispered back, letting him know that he wasn't alone for feeling like this.

Avan visibly calmed down. If the supercool Ahana got scared, then him fearing that man wasn't something to be ashamed of.

After sharing a lot more comforting words and making sure that he was okay, Ahana let him out of her hold.

"Thank you, Avan. If you didn't come, we would have lost the opportunity to catch wrongdoers," Sameera said in a grateful voice.

Followed by Sameera, Gyaan too praised him, "Seriously dude, what a simple yet mind blowing idea. We were stuck in the car and you just zip zapped from that traffic on the cycle."

"Speaking of cycle, where is Tejas?" Neer questioned looking here and there for him. Neer definitely saw Tejas on the live feed but he was nowhere here right now.

"I sent him away, knowing that it could get den..denjour...denjour us," Avan answered.

"So you did know that staying here was dangerous," Ahana remarked, looking at Avan with raised and unamused eyes.

"And she is back," Gyaan commented with an eye-roll. Avan stuck out his tongue at Ahana, glad to have support from Gyaan.

"Don't side with him. This encourages him to do such things," Ahana shouted in anger.

Before Gyaan could retaliate, Neer spoke up, "Leave the kid alone. Our plan was a total failure. If not for Avan, we wouldn't have been able to even catch this man."

Finding that dreaded basement would have meant a sure shot victory, but now it was all up to luck.

"No matter the results, the fact is that Avan keeps putting himself in front of danger. And that needs to stop from now on," Ahana said firmly, looking at everyone daringly to refuse her orders.

"And you," she pointed her finger towards Avan, "You are not going to use your powers so carelessly from now. Do not go alone to fight off anybody until you become an adult."

Avan pouted hearing Ahana's decision but agreed nonetheless. At least she wasn't asking to stop using his powers altogether.

"It is great that everything is sorted out on this end," Gyaan said, making a face at Ahana, before continuing, "But what about that man? Like Neer said our plan to catch their hideout was a total failure."

"I will make sure to let the police know about the basement's existence. Sameera you should also let them know everything you remember about that place. This might help them in their investigation," Ravi spoke up, after a long silence.

"Ravi...," Sameera looked at him pleadingly, not really knowing how to expect him to understand but still not wanting him to hate her.

"Are these...are these powers a side effect of the experiments you went through?" Ravi asked, trying to clarify things before coming to a conclusion.

Sameera shook her head in negative, "I think the powers are the reason why I could survive the deadly experiments and not the other way round."

Ravi nodded thoughtfully, processing the information. There were other elements present in front of him, but Ravi's entire focus was on Sameera. He asked multiple questions that came to his mind. Sameera answered whatever she could as her power was also unknown to her for the major part.

"Thanks for trusting me with your secret," Ravi said after taking a few seconds to gulp down everything. He took Sameera's hand in his and squeezed it lightly, letting her know that he was in fact okay with her being an element.

Seeing their interaction, Neer felt a little jealous. How easily Ravi accepted Sameera, if only he could get acceptance so easily. Before he could dwell more in his self pity, his phone blared with continuous notifications.

Ravi glared at him for the interruption. The sound had worked as the wake up call for Sameera, who hastily removed her hands from Ravi's hold.

"Sorry," Neer muttered, before checking his phone. And there she was, remembering for whom his heart had been hurting so much.

Are you okay?

Koko came back to me. Does that mean you all succeeded?

Koko seems distressed. Is everything alright there? Did you get hurt?

What about your sister? And that kid and that lady...

Gosh!! Are you all alright?

Did that man hurt you?

Did you catch him?

Answer me dammit!

Neer kept reading the messages that didn't seem to stop. He laughed, amused by her worry. But he also loved that she cared so much. He didn't realize that he was taking forever to answer and that was giving a heart attack to Maanvi.

Why aren't you replying???

I saw the blue ticks. I know that you are reading my messages. Why aren't you answering then?

Oh!! Now I understand. You petty human being.

You are taking revenge, aren't you? Just because I took time to wrap my head around what you can do. You know what don't answer me. I don't care.

Shit! Please tell me you are okay. Forget what I said in anger.


Are you not replying because I asked you to wait for my answer?
If that is the case, then I am done thinking. I want to be in a relationship with your petty ass.

Come on, at least reply now.

Don't let me look like a fool. At least tell me if you aren't interested.


Are you kidnapped?

You are, aren't you? The kidnapper has the phone, right?

Listen you loser, release him before I come and kick your ass.

Maanvi's phone rang, making her leave the furious writing.

"How dare you hurt him? Release Neer right now," Maanvi bursted out in full anger, thinking that the kidnapper had called her.

"I Love you."

"How dare....Neer?" Maanvi asked in a whisper, startled by his voice and the words he spoke.

"Let's meet soon," he said.

"What did you say?" She asked still in trance.

"Let's meet soon?"

"No, not that. The first thing when you called."

"I didn't say anything. You were hurling curses the moment you picked my call," Neer teased, muffling his laugh.


"Please," she requested in a pleading voice.

Neer had a sweet smile on his face as he ended his teasing. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered with a blush.

Although Neer couldn't see through the call, he knew Maanvi was blushing. Even his cheeks were red like tomatoes.

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