40- Picnic

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Reyansh felt relaxed after seeing that a bus was arranged for them. It saved him from the hassle of deciding who should go in which car. Considering the large number of people there, the bus was the best option.

He met with the driver, introducing himself as the team leader and discussing the trip.

"We will have to take a rest stop in between as the journey will be of approximately two and a half days," driver informed.

Reyansh's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing it. "Are you sure? I don't think it will take so much time to reach the Elite college of Science and Technology."

"Elite?" Kriti and Tej chorused with shock.

"Yeah why?" Another confusion was added to Reyansh's mind.

"The one in Mumbai, right?" Kriti clarified, although she had already started getting excited.

Reyansh slowly nodded, not understanding where this was heading towards.

"Damn! We were worrying for nothing. That place is like fifteen minutes from our society." Kriti clasped her hands, having a wide relieved smile on her face.

"Our?" Neer looked weirded out, "By chance, do you two live together?" He asked in astonishment. He had always seen them fighting, then how come....Maybe they were siblings, then fighting would be obvious. All the siblings fight.

Neer's train of thoughts was broken by a loud and clear 'NO.'

"Okay, okay, don't yell. It was just a question." Neer raised his hands in surrender.

"We are neighbours. To spell it out- Different homes, same society," Tejas answered instead.

"I know the meaning of neighbours," Neer deadpanned.

Tej came in between before a fight could start and apologized on behalf of his brother.

"That's nice. You three will get to be with your family," Dhruv's mother said wishfully.

"What do you mean by- we three? We all are going together. It will be a little cramped but it will be better than staying at a rest house," Kriti declared, not taking no for an answer.

And at the same time, Tej and Tejas muttered under their breath, "What family?"

Having been standing near Tej, Neer heard him. He patted the shoulders of the brothers, silently trying to provide comfort without bringing attention to them.

The smile that had left from the brothers' face came back in a few seconds as everyone cheered about having a home to reside. They gelled up quickly with everyone's happiness.

However, Reyansh doubt from earlier still prevailed. "I don't think it takes that much time to reach the college," he stated, making sure to not offend the driver with his tone.

"I know," the driver agreed, before stating his reason, "There are many road blocks due to constant disasters. We will have to take a long route. Instead of highways, we will have to cross many small villages, before we can even get to the straight road that leads to Mumbai."

"Let's think of this as a picnic. Then the journey wouldn't seem so tiring," Rewa suggested, making Reyansh feel proud of his daughter.

"True. We will sing songs, eat lots of snacks and also play games," Asha added to Rewa's suggestion with excitement.

"It would have been so much more enjoyable if other kids were here too," Tejas said with longing. He missed his friends and receiving the sighs from other kids, he knew they missed their friends too.

"Let's be optimistic. We will meet them soon," Rewa encouraged, trying to bring back the happy atmosphere.

Everyone nodded, hoping to get back together with their friends and colleagues.

"Let's hurry," Reyansh said, urging everyone to get on the bus.

As if it was an unwritten rule, the elders took the front seats while the kids took over the back. Tej and Gyaan had taken the seat in the middle, neither claiming the front nor the back position.

Having fought with Ayaan for a window seat, Avan had already moved to sit a few seats ahead. It didn't matter that he was more near to the elders and far from other kids. The only thing important was the window.

Other elements were still trying to find a seat, confused where to go when Avan called out to Ahana, patting the seat near him.

Ahana glanced between Neer and Avan with raised eyebrows. It had been already presumed that twins would sit together. But she didn't want to break Avan's heart, who seemed too excited.

"Go ahead, I will sit with Sameera," Neer gave her the unasked permission.

Sameera sighed in relief. She was worried about being left out, but hadn't wanted to outrightly ask anyone in case they had to force themselves to sit with her out of politeness. Luckily, the situation turned out in her favour.

Ahana went and sat near an overly excited Avan. "We will have lots of fun. I have so many stories that I will tell you. You can also tell me your stories," Avan said cutely with a wide smile on his face.

"Sure kiddo." Ahana ruffled his hair affectionately.

"Can we hear your stories too?" Neer asked, turning in his seat to face Avan.

"Yes. But don't fall, okay," Avan said sternly, more of trying to act sternly. He was worried that Neer would fall when the bus started because of his weird style of sitting.

Neer muffled his smile. It was hard to stay still when a whole load of cuteness was in front of him. Not to mention the warmth that had spread, when Avan cared about Neer's fall.

"Nah! Let him fall. I need some amusement in my life." Ahana muttered with a smirk.

"Okay then fall."

Neer's mouth was left hanging when he saw Avan's abrupt change of mind.

"What a Chameleon!" Neer scoffed, before turning back to sit normally. "Let's talk among ourselves," Neer said to Sameera, before continuing loudly to make Avan and Ahana listen, "We don't need their boring stories. I have more fun things to show you."

"Nooo, I want to see," Avan cried, trying to pull Neer's hair from the back seat.

"Hey, hey, leave him," Sameera tried to gently remove his fingers, but Avan was adamant. Neer too wasn't any less as he kept goading about not showing Avan the interesting thing he had.

"Bunch of kids." Ahana placed her handkerchief on her face and went to sleep, leaving them to fight among themselves.

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