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Here he is again, beeping nonstop while Seonwoo run as fast as he could.

“I told you to stop doing this,” Seonwoo complains, going inside the car.

“Have you started moving faster? No,” Riki talked back.

“Psh, it's better if it'll always be Sunghoon,” Seonwoo murmured, rolling his eyes.

“I can hear you just fine,” Riki said, already stepping unto the gas pedal.

Seonwoo crossed his arms, eyes fixed on the road.

Last night, Riki was just crying like a child in front of him. He looked too vulnerable, and Seonwoo felt the urge to protect the boy.

Instead of being scared of the sudden confession, Seonwoo felt pity over Riki. He sat there in front of the boy, reaching for his hand to give it a comforting squeeze.

It's too far from this over-confident and arrogant Riki sitting beside him on the car. Although Seonwoo was sure that this boy was only pretending like nothing has happened.

“Don't worry,” Riki says, stopping the car exactly on time—right in front of the kid's playground.

“One of these days, I'll be on the field again.”

It made Seonwoo finally look at the driver, worry can be seen in his eyes.

Riki smiled, “One of my biggest mission, so far.”

“Would you be okay?” Seonwoo asked.

Riki shrugged, “I should be fine. Besides, if something will happen, Jay-hyung will bring my ashes home.”

“Yah!” Seonwoo glares, giving the boy a hard slap on his arms. “Don't say such a thing!”

“Ah, f—! I mean it as a joke!” Riki says.

“A joke? Is your own life a joke to you?”

Riki laughs, driving again as the light changed to green, while Seonwoo continued speaking about valuing life.

Ah, whatever, Riki was raised believing that humans lived to die. Life is a survival and the weakest die first. He was trained to eliminate all the weakest.

“Riki?” Seonwoo called, just as Riki parked the car in front of the company.

Riki gave Seonwoo a glance.

“If you're having a hard time, I'm always here to listen,” Seonwoo said, before opening the door and leaving Riki alone in the car.

“Thanks,” Riki speaks, although Seonwoo could not hear it anymore.

‘Ni-ki, I need you to report to the main area right now.’


A/N: Saturday morning update.


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