🏡A-HO (2)

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Seonwoo gasped in awe, eyes getting wider and wider for each door they go into. The place looked like a normal house outside but inside was like a sci-fi movie inspired. It have all the cool things like secret door and underground room where high-tech computers are located. Walls filled with different kinds of guns and knives.

“Is there a stock room for your treasures?” Seonwoo asked Riki who was currently checking the computer on the table.

“None,” Riki shook his head, “We sell them the moment we steal them.”

“How about the treasures you bought?”

Riki stopped from clicking the keyboard and look at Seonwoo, “It's Jake-hyung's job to keep them safe.”

Seonwoo nodded, walking delicately on the metal floor while eyeing all kinds of guns displayed on the wall.

“Do you want to try firing?” Riki asked.

Seonwoo quickly shook his head, “No. These guns are scary.”

Riki laughs, “Those are Heeseung-hyung's collection, but if ever you want to try firing I have guns that are less scary.”

“Like the one you always carry?”

“Mhm,” Riki nods, clicking the computer off. “Do you want to try?”

“No, but I want to see you use it,” Seonwoo said.

“Sure, let's get outside then.”


Seonwoo looked scared, but he stood beside Riki, watching the younger arranged a bigger gun and filling it with bullets.

The targets are too far that Seonwoo doubts Riki could hit it.

Seonwoo had to use telescope to see that the targets still had no holes in it.

The first shot got Seonwoo almost jumping, he held Riki's shirt as the younger boy laughs.

Riki started firing again, five gunshot in seconds. Seonwoo jumps in every sound, although he's wearing earplugs.

Riki had to stop to actually hold Seonwoo before he ran away from the area.

“Why are you so scared?” Riki asked.

“I'm not! It's just too loud I get startled everytime you fire,” Seonwoo complains, massaging his earlobes.


Riki reach his hands up and touch the older's cheeks.

“Okay, I'll remember to not bring you in this area anymore. Let's cherish your ears and hearing,” Riki says, squeezing the older's cheeks.

Seonwoo swatted his hands away.

“Hold up, I gotta check how good you are at shooting,” Seonwoo said, putting the telescope back in his eyes.

Six targets all have a hole right in the middle, making the red dot disappear.

“How can you even do that?” Seonwoo asked, looking at Riki.

The younger shrugged, removing the remaining bullets on the gun before he handles it like a goddamn protagonist in every action movie.

“I won't be handling missions if I can't,” Riki says.

Five of them, Jay, Sunghoon, Jake, Heeseung and Riki, trained in A-HO together for ten years. They spent their childhood playing with real guns and knives. Real cars and motorcycles.

They fought each other inside the ring, and still eat together like a family. They spent time learning codes and programming, not online gaming.

They went to school, they made friends outside, but their love for these things didn't disappear. The thrill of living behind the facade of a successful business man was their dream come true.


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