Chapter 9

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"It's not fair!" Angel whined the next morning. "Why do Alastor and Charlie get to miss lessons and I don't?"

"Solomon says that Alastor is recovering from a head injury and Charlie is sick." Blitzo answered. "They need to rest."

"I've seen them, they don't look that bad to me."

"Well you're not a doctor."

"Neither are you. In fact I'm pretty sure you never finished high school."

"Watch your mouth young man, don't forget who's in charge here."

"I haven't forgotten. I know it's not you."

"Of all the disrespectful- Ugh! You better be glad that I'm not your father because if I was-"

"No you're too ugly to be my father. If I was your kid I would have to get plastic surgery because I couldn't go through life inheriting your looks."

"Snotty nosed, little shit! I'm going to appeal to Solomon about using corporal punishment on you brats."

"I can't imagine you appealing to anyone. You've be rejected by both the females and males of your species! You were even rejected by a clown!"

"How do you know that?"

"You told me during one of your drunken rants. You thought I was Moxxie so you spilled everything to me. And by the way I find your erotic obsession with him and his wife sad."

Blitzo turned red with embarrassment and rage.

"Get out of here! Now! Before I forget my place and smack you!" He snapped. "Go wake up Vaggie!"

"I thought it was Millie's job to wake us up. That's what Solomon says."

"Well today it's your job!"

"Solomon isn't going to like that. You know how he likes everything to stick to his plans and schedules."

"I don't care! Now go! Vamoose!"

Angel stuck his tongue out at Blitzo and then walked over to Vaggie's room.

"Hey Vaggie time to get up." He said knocking on the door. "Come on, breakfast is in an hour and you know the rules. No reheats or extra time to eat."

There was no answer.

"Vags! We're not allowed to sleep in today! Wake up!"


"I am not going to be the only one with lessons today. If you don't say something, I'm coming in."

When she still didn't respond he opened the door and stepped into her room. She was still in bed, fast asleep.

"Vaggie wake up!"

She moaned and pulled her pillow over her head.

"Hate to do this to you Vaggie but I have my orders."

Angel climbed on to Vaggie's bed and pulled the covers off. But when he placed his hand on her side to shake her awake, she suddenly sat up real fast and punched Angel in the face.

"Ow! What the hell?! What did you do that for?"

But she didn't stop there and the next thing Angel knew she was screaming at him. Screaming at him, hitting him, kicking him, and scratching him.

"Get off me! Don't touch me!"

"Vaggie what's wrong with you?"

"Get away from me! Get away!"

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