Chapter 60

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Striker smiled in a pleasing manner as he watched Alastor and Charlie suffer with the nightmares he had given them. When he learned about the trick Pentious and Valentino had been able to do with dreams, he decided to have a little psychological, damaging "fun" with the two half-bluebloods. So he swiped the talisman and the ingredients for the spell, and gave the command to show them what they feared most. He couldn't see into their dreams or enter them like Pentious could cause he didn't know exactly how to work the talisman, but he could watch Charlie's and Alastor's reactions to the horror.

He was a sick bastard, almost as sick as Valentino. His hatred of bluebloods was so powerful that he believed all of them and any one related to them deserved to know suffering. Suffering like the kind that had been inflicted on to him by beings like Satan and the original Beelzebub.

"Ooo I love it when they scream." He chuckled, after watching Alastor sit up in bed and crying out for Charlie. "Only way this could be more perfect was if I could do this to their daddies."

Suddenly a large, long, black-scaly tail whipped out and knocked the sadistic imp right into the wall. This was then followed by a powerful first to his head and a black-scaly hand that snatched the talisman from him.

"Striker!" The large serpent like man hissed furiously. "How many times have I told you not to touch my talisman?!"

Striker needed a few minutes to recover his thoughts before he could answer. That was one hell of a hit.

"Calm down, it's just some supernatural trinket." He said.

"This supernatural trinket is the only connection I have to my master! It's also the source of all my power and my life! If anything happens to this I will be destroyed and you will be sent back to hell from where I summoned you?! Do you want that happen?!"


"Then don't ever touch it again! And another thing."

He gave him another hard bash to the head.

"Ow! What the F*?!" Striker cursed.

"If there's one thing I will not tolerate it's senseless cruelty!"

"Then why are you hitting me?"

That earned him a slap from Pentious's tail.

"Right! Make that two things, senselessly cruelty and stupid questions!"

"What are you talking about? What did I do?"

"How dare you influence their dreams like that! You had no right!"

"So I messed with their heads a bit, they're just bad dreams."

"You made them experience what they feared most!"


"And that was completely uncalled for and unrelated to the plan! You did it for no other reason except to be cruel and I won't allow that!"

"Well what do you want from me? I'm an assassin from hell. Sadism and cruelty are how I live."

"Well you're on earth now and you work for me, and you play by my rules! And rule number one is you will never do anything like this again! If you do I'll send you right back down into that cesspit, and sell you as a prostitute to the most vile overlord I can find! Understand?!"

Striker only nodded, though he couldn't understand why this upset Pentious so much. After all, Pentious was planning to unleash hell on earth, to fill the world with demons who were just like Striker. Beings who thrived on the suffering of others. So why did this strike a nerve?

"This foolish act of yours also could have ruined everything." His superior continued.

"How so?"

"I saw their nightmares, it was tied to their feelings to each other. You could have scared them into staying away from one another and that would spoil my whole plan! They need to be together for it to work!"

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