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"Are you sure about this?" He reassured as he eyed her movements, seeing that Amina was already all over him.

"Yeah, should we stop?" Amina finally stopped to look at him. She was fiddling with a strand of her hair, eyes almost begging to continue.

"You win, again" Jeonghan leaned over for a kiss as he slowly stripped her upper body bare. He gave light kisses on her neck, shoulder blades, down to her chest.

"Fuck" Amina sighed in pleasure as she tugged on his now disheveled hair. The look definitely boosted her urge to just do him.

"I came across an employee..." When he spoke, it vibrated directly on her nubs, creating a sudden burst of pleasure that was sent down to her lower stomach.

"W-What?" Amina choked out a reply followed by a moan. He had her lie down on the table as he lifted her dress up to her stomach to see more of her.

"She told me that everyone's on break until our session is over" Jeonghan peered over her damp core before stripping her out.

He gave her clit fast circular movements, causing a sudden jolt in Amina's body. Jeonghan made a move to pin her down, making her whine in pleasure.

"You know what that means right?" He flashed one of his hottest smiles yet again, and it was enough to have her come as he played with her clit.

"Yeah" She lazily replied, basking over the pleasure of her previous climax. Amina had the best in a while, but she somehow knew that Jeonghan couldn't leave behind till he had his share. 

"Let me hear you more, Amina," He said.

She watched as he swiftly removed his shirt and unbuckled his pants. Amina watched with a hooded gaze filled with impatience.

"Okay" She sounded in a begging manner.

When she felt the tip on her lower body, she immediately wrapped her legs on her torso before pulling him into her to meet the thrust.

A moan left Amina's mouth as the immediate feeling of fullness was felt on her lower body. Jeonghan groaned in return, watching her pull him even closer to him.

"You are absolutely amazing" He chuckled.

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